(5/9) semarang – Serliana Yulianti, a 2018 student of the Naval Engineering study program, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, won the Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) accepted at Korea Maritime Ocean University (KMOU), Busan, South Korea. A student who comes from Bengkulu will study for approximately 1 semester in the country of ginseng starting august 25, 2022. So, how did she manage to get it? here’s the story.
“Initially I got the information through the Instagram account of Student Executive Organization. It turns out that there is a student exchange program in South Korea which supported by the GKS (Global Korea Scholarship). This program will be held at Korea Maritime Ocean University (KMOU) for 1 semester.
What is the motivation to join this program?
“Based on my educational background, I believe this program will help me in understanding and accelerating my knowledge in the field of naval architecture and marine sciences”.
What documents are needed to register?
“I complete the requirements such as making a motivation letter, study plan, statement of purpose, requesting a recommendation letter from the faculty, TOEFL, passport, 3rd vaccine, and others”.
How was the selection process?
“The selection for this program, applicants need to prepare the documents. The required documents are sent to the International Office of Diponegoro University (IO-Undip) for further submission to the KMOU and GKS. Based on these requirements, KMOU and GKS conducted file selection. Then, I got an LoA to become one of the awardees of GKS for 2022 KMOU student exchange program”.
Why South Korea?
“I chose Korea because this country has a very advanced education system, especially in the naval and maritime fields. In addition, the major provided in this program is related to my educational background and I believe that participating in it can support my academic quality in the naval sector.”
What are your hopes for the future in joining this program?
“This program is a place to exchange culture, build relationships, and gain many things that the awardees might not experience in Indonesia. By participating in this program, hopefully, all awardees can contribute and be more adaptive, and communicative, also be a good representatives for Diponegoro University and Indonesia. Furthermore, when they return to Indonesia, awardees can share their experiences and motivate their friends on campus. This will create a positive ambiance in the university which the students will be more enthusiastic to join this program next year.” (mardian)
Located at the Professor Soedarto Building, Diponegoro University, the Engineering Student Choir (PSMT) held its first hybrid concert post-pandemic with the theme “The Harmony to Welcome a New Page” Chordus Ignis –11th Engineering in Harmony on August 28, 2022. The event was attended by at least hundreds of spectators from various circles of society who were enthusiastic to witness the stunning performance of this Choir group. The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc., Ph.D. Head of PSMT Undip Helena Dian and Chair of the 11th Engineering in Harmony Committee, Syifa Mahira.
Opening by Master of Ceremony
The concert opened with the prologue – monologue of The Descending. This opening performance managed to amaze the audience and enjoyed every part of the story that was presented, from Introducing Humanity to the epilogue, Burying the Hatchet.
Monologue Performance
Each part of the monologue was accompanied by beautiful PSMT songs such as the performances of Gayatri and Mahakali with Composer Bagus S. Utomo, Hosanna with arranger Knut Nystedt, performances by Cik Cik Periuk and other performances. A video of Jangkrik Genggong singing with Arranger Paul Widyawan is also shown. One of the impressive performances was the performance of Malin Kundang, a folk tale that is quite popular in Indonesia, performed by mixing and matching emotional dance movements and singing songs that are full of expression.
Ergebung Performance by PSMT Faculty of Engineering
Not only performances from PSMT, the FT choir group consisting of lecturers and staff of the Faculty of Engineering also managed to show a slick performance. The event closed with the performance of Fajar Senja by composer Ken Steven. At the end of the event, as a form of appreciation, awards were also given to composers, soloists and other categories who enlivened the Chordus Ignis activities by the Dean of FT Undip and PSMT Trustees. It is hoped that this event can be a forum for PSMT all members of Diponegoro University to channel their creativity and improve their implementation in Engineering in Harmony in 2023 in the next event.
(29/8) In order to increase the quality of Human Resources (HR) at Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University held a training “Occupational Safety and Health” (OHS) for staff (lecturers and employees). This event takes place for 3 days starting from Monday-Wednesday, August 22 – 24 2022 at the FT UNDIP Dean Building, carried out using a hybrid method (offline/online).
On the first day, started with the opening of online training by dr. Agus Prasetyo as a speaker to deliver a material on human anatomy and physiology. This OSH training is special because it is added with Covid-19 prevention materials.
On the second and third day, offline practice will explain general health problems and emergency response. Each participant gets a chance to practice the lesson that has been obtained so far. There are also teaching aids and medical equipment used to maximize this training so that participants are able to understand the material well.
OSH Training Activities at the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undip
Having research skills is very important in education to always create innovation. Therefore, on 25/08/2022, the Faculty of Engineering held a Visiting Professor, which was held in the Theater Room, Dean Building of the Faculty of Engineering, as well as a zoom meeting for online participants. Several leaders and lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering were seen attending this Visiting Professor, who discussed how to conduct and write research.
Benny Tjahjono, as Professor of Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Coventry University, provided material related to the world of research and the importance of research in this modern era. At this visiting professor event, he explained the research model that must be carried out:
Determining the problem and focusing on research
Selecting the appropriate literature for the study material
Solving problem
Benny Tjahjono, Professor of Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Coventry University
Professor Benny not only explained the important things that must be done in conducting research but also provided information related to the benefits that can be obtained, such as adding publication materials, citations and indexes. “One Stone to Hit Two Birds,” he said, gives an overview of the world of research. In other words, research’s importance brings one benefit and many benefits.
This event received great enthusiasm from the participants, especially the lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering. In the discussion session, many lecturers asked questions about the material that had been presented. With this Visiting Professor, it is hoped that the enthusiasm of the academic community in conducting research will be even greater so that they can realize the goals of the Faculty of Engineering, namely “Grow to be the Best Research Faculty of Diponegoro University”. (Translated by Nadia)
The existence of massive technological developments in the modern era has now led to several using fossil energy in various fields such as household, transportation, electricity, and others. However, fossil energy consumption has contributed significantly to carbon emissions so that it has a negative impact on the environment, for example climate change and global warming which causes the temperature on earth to rise every year. Therefore, renewable energy innovations are needed to reduce carbon emissions and towards net zero emission.
Opening by Dr. Ir. Budi Prasetyo Samadikun, S.T., M.Sc., IPM. as Chair of the National Seminar
It requires understanding and support from every element of society, including Higher Educational Institution that focuses on the environment and energy. Faculty of Engineering collaborated with PT. Indonesia Power held a seminar with the theme “Renewable Energy Development as Energy Transition Towards Net Zero Emission”.
Located at Engineering Hall, 5th Floor, Dean Building, it was attended by Dr. Budi P Samadikun, S.T., M.Sc. the Chairman of Committee, Dean of Undip Engineering Faculty Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc., Ph.D., President Director of PT. Indonesia Power Dr. Ir. M. Ahsin Sidqi, M.M., IPU, Lecturer of Master of Energy in Electrical Engineering, Dr. Ir. Jaka Windarta, M.T., IPU, ASEAN Eng. Professor of Environmental Science Doctoral Program Prof. Sudharto P. Hadi, MES., Ph.D and the entire academic community of Diponegoro University.
Presentation by the President Director of Indonesia Power, Dr. Ir. M. Ahsin Sidqi, M.M., IPU
The first presentation was given by Dr. Ir. M. Ahsin Sidqi, M.M., IPU regarding Indonesia’s development in preparing itself to welcome the clean energy market on a national and international scale. The next presentation was delivered by Dr. Ir. Jaka Windarta, M.T., IPU, ASEAN Eng. related to regulations and incentives that have been implemented by Indonesia. The last presentation was delivered by Prof. Sudharto P. Hadi, MES., Ph.D related to Indonesia’s potential in renewable energy and Indonesia’s opportunity to become a sustainable country. The presentation of material by each speaker was not only comprehensive but also relaxed. The speakers made this event livelier, interaction between the speakers and participants also made the discussion sessions more interesting.
Photo with the Speakers, Dean of FT Undip and the Chair of the Event and Team.
The presentation materials, which were quite dynamic, produced a positive response from the participants, especially engineering students who gave follow-up questions related to the material presented. There were approximately seven questions that were the subject of interesting discussion. At the end of the event, the three best questioners were given induction stoves as prizes. The event closed with a musical performance by representatives of Environmental Engineering Students. It was hoped that the event can be sufficient provision for the academic community, especially students, to become agents of change in the future.