The Faculty of Engineering Undip Invites Professor from Osaka University to Give Lecture about Biomedical Cybernetics

The Faculty of Engineering Undip Invites Professor from Osaka University to Give Lecture about Biomedical Cybernetics

(3/9) The Faculty of Engineering Undip had the opportunity to hold a precious guest lecture with an honorable professor from Osaka University, Prof. Keisuke Morishima. This guest lecture was convened at the Theater Room, Prof. Ir. Eko Budihardjo, M.Sc 4th Floor.

Prof. Keisuke Morishime himself is a professor in the field of nanotechnology from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University. Osaka University itself is one of the world’s leading campus which is currently ranked on 86th according to QS World University Ranking 2024. This guest lecture was initiated by one of the academics from the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Mochammad Ariyanto, S.T, M.T, Ph.D, who had just completed his doctoral studies at Osaka University.

Prof. Keisuke Morishima was giving a guest lecture in front of students from Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Undip. Mochammad Ariyanto, S.T, M.T, Ph.D was appointed as the moderator in this guest lecture.

On this occasion, Prof. Morishima gave a guest lecture with the theme “Bio-inspired and Bio-hybrid Robotics” in front of students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering Undip. This associate researcher from Stanford University was explained about his current research in developing biomedical cybernetics to support human life.

Besides the guest lecture, during his visit to the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Morishima also discussed with the stakeholders of the Faculty of Engineering about potential academic collaborations between Osaka University and Universitas Diponegoro. Furthermore, it is planned that Mochammad Ariyanto will be invited as a visiting researcher in Prof. Morishima’s laboratory at Osaka University.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T, M.T, IPU, appreciated this guest lecture. He hoped Prof. Morishima could continue collaborating with the Faculty of Engineering Undip. “Our faculty feel thankful towards Prof. Morishima. We hope that this opportunity will not be the first and the last for you. Hopefully, there will be another time for you to come again here,” Prof. Jamari hoped.


Department of Environmental Engineering Undip Supports SDG-based Technological Innovations Through INCRID 2024

Department of Environmental Engineering Undip Supports SDG-based Technological Innovations Through INCRID 2024

(29/8) The Department of Environmental Engineering Undip successfully convened the international conference entitled “The 6th International Conference on Environment, Sustainability Issues, and Community Development (INCRID) 2024”. This conference was held at Prof. Ir. Eko Budihardjo, M.Sc Building for two days, starts from 29 August until 30 August 2024.

INCRID 2024 is the sixth edition of the annual international conference organized by the Department of Environmental Engineering Undip. This forum is aimed to promote the development of environmental technologies, science, education, and innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This year, INCRID carries the theme “Fostering Innovation in Environmental Technology and Management Within the Framework of the Sustainable Development Goals”.

“Environmental problems are particularly challenging to address because the rate of creating polluting waste is greater than its treatment for management and disposal,” explained Dr.Eng. Bimastyaji Surya Ramadan, S.T., M.T., INCRID 2024’s chairperson.

INCRID 2024 consists of two sessions, which are plenary sessions featuring main speakers and invited speakers, and parallel sessions which consist of several panels with designated topics

At this year’s INCRID, six main speakers had the opportunity to present their materials, namely Dr. Miria F. Agunyo from Uganda Christian University; Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. habil. Claudia Johanna Gallert from Hochscule Emden-Leer; Prof. Majeti Narashima Vara Prasad from University of Hyderabad; Dr. Nawshad Akther from University of Technology Sydney; and Prof. Dr. Ir. Badrus Zaman, S.T., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng. from Undip.

Moreover, four invited speaker also shared their paper online, namely Prof. Toru Matsumoto and Indriyani Rachman, M.S., Ph.D. from the University of Kitakyushu; Dr. Shaikh Kamran Abid from Tun Hussein Onn University; and John Bosco Niyomukiza, Ph.D. from Ndejje University.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T, M.T, fully supports the implementation of this international conference. For him, this forum can be a medium for academics to share their knowledge and collaborate with other researchers in the same field. “I hope you can get a fruitful share on current developing knowledge with other academics and seek a potential collaboration on your interested field.”

Pulung Widhi Hari Hananto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Head of the Diponegoro International Office, on his remarks representing the Rector, hoped that this forum can be a platform to discuss for academics and professionals to exchange their ideas regarding environmental sustainability. “I hope that this special occasion also can be a great forum for the discussion between distinguished speakers and participants to exchange their ideas on relevant issues,” said Pulung.


Summer Course ETSI 2024, How the Department of Electrical Engineering Undip Supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Summer Course ETSI 2024, How the Department of Electrical Engineering Undip Supports the Sustainable Development Goals

(31/8) The Department of Electrical Engineering (DTE) Undip organized a Summer Course titled Electro Tech Summer Institute (ETSI) 2024. This Summer Course program was held from 25 August to 1 September 2024 and was attended by dozens of students from three prestigious universities in Malaysia.

The ETSI 2024 Summer Course aims to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into electrical and computer engineering. Participants from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Multimedia University, and Nottingham University Malaysia will learn in Semarang about various electrical and computer engineering skills that can contribute to sustainable solutions, both during their studies and in the professional world.

“This year, the ETSI Summer Course is not just an academic program, it is also a unique opportunity for all to engage deeply with SDGs and to explore our world in electrical and computer engineering and can contribute to creating a sustainable future,” said Eko Handoyo, S.T, M.T, ETSI 2024 chairperson.

ETSI 2024 participants not only get lectures, but also have direct learning experiences through visits. One of them is by visiting the CBIOM3S Laboratory.

In ETSI 2024, the participants were involved in several activities, from visiting the Education and Training Implementation Unit (UPDL) of PLN Semarang to attending lecturers from Prof. Bulan Prabawani about Undip’s role in advancing SDGs and from Prof. Nooritawati Md Tahir on how to write and prepare manuscripts and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In addition, the participants also had the opportunity to visit CBIOM3S Laboratory to learn directly about various research and innovations made by Undip researchers in the biomedical field. Apart from obtaining academic experience, the participants also experienced cultural exposure through visits to several cultural sites in Semarang and Yogyakarta.

ETSI 2024 participants came from three reputable universities in Malaysia, namely Universiti Teknologi MARA, Multimedia University, and Nottingham University Malaysia.

Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T, M.T, as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, hoped that the students who joined ETSI 2024 will not only learn academic stuff but also obtain memorable cultural experiences while in Indonesia.

“Summer Course is not the first, the first thing is you have to be happy here, you can learn about anything, Malaysia, from Semenanjung to Serawak-Sabah is almost the same. But Indonesia is completely different from Aceh until Papua. We are very huge, and the culture is also very diverse. This is the most interesting thing for you,” he said.

One of the participants, Vimalrich Selvam from Multimedia University, said he was happy with this Summer Course program. He was amazed by the culture and politeness of Indonesians during the program at Undip. “It’s very nice to see your culture here. All people are so polite. You guys are very kind in welcoming us,” stated Vimalrich.

ETSI 2024 is expected to be a platform for Undip to contribute to advancing SDGs and collaborating with international partners. “These activities aimed to increase the collaboration, not only for the faculty but also between two countries,” concluded Ir. Aghus Sofwan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPU, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering Undip.


The 11th ICITACEE International Conference is Officially Held, Discussing the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for the Future

The 11th ICITACEE International Conference is Officially Held, Discussing the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for the Future

(29/8) The Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, officially held another international conference with the title “the 11th International Conference on Information Technology Computer and Electrical Engineering” (ICITACEE). The opening ceremony was held at Ciputra Hotel, Semarang.

ICITACEE is an international conference organized annually as a forum for researchers, academics, professionals, and students from various fields to share and discuss the latest knowledge developments in the fields of information technology, computer systems, and electrical engineering. This year, the theme is “Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future Life Environment”.

In this year’s ICITACEE, there were four keynote speakers from various countries, including Prof. Dr. Nooritawati Md Tahir from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Awais Mahmood from King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, Ir. Hery Isnanto, CEO of PT Yamakubi Engineering Service, and Prof. Dr. Adian Fatchur Rochim, S.T, M.T, SMIEEE from Universitas Diponegoro.

Moreover, there were about 50 works presented by various academics offline and online from Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, Bangladesh, the United States, Germany, Japan, and other countries. In this year, ICITACEE received support from various institutions, including the IEEE Indonesia Section as an international organization that oversees various academics and professionals in the field of electrical engineering.

“ICITACEE 2024 can encourage more research and innovation that can answer global challenges, and strengthen Undip’s position in the international academic arena,” said Dr. Wahyudi, S.T, M.T as the Chairman of ICITACEE 2024.

In ICITACEE 2024, Prof. Dr. Nooritawati Md Tahir who was appointed as one of the keynote speakers presented a paper related to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in gait analysis. While Assoc. Prof. Dr. Awais Mahmood explained the potential and challenges of using AI in the health industry sector. Ir. Hery Isnanto delivered a paper related to the use of AI in decision-making strategies in the military. Prof. Dr. Adian Fatchur Rochim, S.T, M.T, SMIEEE explained the latest research developments in the fields of electrical engineering and computer science in Indonesia.

Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T, M.T, dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, appreciates ICITACEE this year. He hopes that this international conference will not only be a place for researchers to exchange knowledge, but also a place to create various potential collaborations between Universitas Diponegoro and various institutions around the world.

“I hope you can get a fruitful share with other scientists on current knowledge development and seeking for potential collaboration in the future,” Prof  Jamari said.


195 New Engineers from PSPPI FT Undip Take Their Oath at the 11th Engineers Oath-taking Ceremony

195 New Engineers from PSPPI FT Undip Take Their Oath at the 11th Engineers Oath-taking Ceremony

(30/7) The Study Program of the Professional Program for Engineers (PSPPI) of the Faculty of Engineering Undip held the 11th Engineers Oath-taking ceremony for July 2024. The ceremony was held at Prof. Soedarto, SH Building, Undip Tembalang Campus, and was attended by 195 new engineers who graduated from PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip.

This period’s Engineers’ Oath-taking ceremony is becoming the latest achievement from PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip. This is because, for the first time, PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip successfully took oath its graduates from the 2-semester Full Regular program. Previously, PSPPI had held professional engineer classes in the form of the Recognition of Past Learning (Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau, RPL) program and the 1-semester Regular-Compacted program.

195 new engineers of PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip posed together at Prof. Soedarto, SH Building

“From these 195 engineers, Alhamdulillah (praise be to God) in this period we held the Regular class. Previously, there was the Regular-Compacted class, and now there is a Regular class that undergoes 2 semesters, although still in the small numbers. Hopefully, with the implementation of this Regular class, the vision of PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering can be achieved,” said the Head of the PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Dr. Widayat, S.T, M.T, IPM

In this July 2024 period, 146 engineers successfully earned the cum laude predicate. In addition, in this period the engineers also received the Professional Engineer Certificate (Sertifikat Insinyur Profesional, SIP) replacing the Graduation Certificate. This follows the Law No. 14 of 2014 on Engineering Affairs

The General Secretary of the Institution of Engineers of Indonesia (PII), ), Ir. Bambang Goeritno, M.Sc, MPA, IPU, APEC Engineer, appreciated the increase in the number of engineers who successfully graduated from PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip this time. He hopes that it can continue to grow in the future. “I need to congratulate you (PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering) because now there are 195 engineers who graduated from the program. I think this is a record breaker because it has never reached that number before. And the total number (of graduates from PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip) is 945. This means that there are quite a large amount of engineers who have graduated. I hope that the engineers here can become ambassadors in their workplaces to invite their friends to join the professional engineers program,” he said.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T, M.T, IPU, warmly greeted the new engineers in this period. He hopes that in the future the new engineers can reflect on the main purpose of the engineer title that they receive. “The most important thing is with that additional title, is there any difference? If there is none, why do you have to take that title? This must be answered,” Prof. Jamari remarked in his speech.