FTKKI of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Visits the Faculty of Engineering Undip to Discuss Potential for Joint Research and Talent Management

FTKKI of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Visits the Faculty of Engineering Undip to Discuss Potential for Joint Research and Talent Management

(26/7) The Faculty of Ocean Engineering Technology and Informatics (FTKKI) Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) conducted a visit to the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Diponegoro (Undip). The welcoming ceremony was held in the Senate Room, Dekanat Building 3rd Floor. In this visit, the delegation from FTKKI UMT which consisted of the Dean and several researchers from UMT, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Melaka (UTeMM), interested in initiating collaborations in the field of academic research and talent management with several universities in Indonesia, one of which is Universitas Diponegoro.

Dean of FTKKI UMT, Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohammad Fadhli bin Ahmad explained that FTKKI UMT has a program that they call ”Jelajah Kolaborasi (Collaboration Exploration)”, where the main purpose of this program is to establish a collaboration with various universities in several countries such as Indonesia. He also added that his party was very grateful for being allowed to visit and explore the collaboration possibilities with the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Diponegoro. ”We are very grateful. Thank you very much for allowing us to come to this university to have some kind of collaboration with you,” said Prof. Fadhli in his remarks.

Prof. Fadhli also explained that there were several points of collaboration to be discussed during this visit. One of the points of collaboration is related to joint research and exchange of staff and students. Furthermore, FTKKI UMT also invited academics from UKM, Assoc. Prof. Rohayu Binti Abdul Ghani, and from UTeMM, Prof. Dr. Faaizah binti Shahbodin, as the guest lecturer who will share about talent management with the Faculty of Engineering Undip. “With us here are some of our colleagues to discuss the potential of joint research. Then, we also bring with us our partners from UKM, Prof. Rohayu, and Prof Faaizah from UTeMM. We will share about talent management,” Prof Fadhli explained.

Dean of FT Undip, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M, M.Sc, Ph.D (right) and Vice Dean of Academic and Students Affairs of FT Undip, Prof. Dr.nat.tech. Siswo Sumardiono, S.T, M.T (rightmost) received a gift from the Dean of FTKKI UMT, Prof Ir Dr Mohammad Fadhli bin Ahmad (left)

In this visit, the event was divided into two main parts. The first part was held in the Theater Room, and the second part was conducted in the Senate Room. In the first part, the participants which consisted of the stakeholders and the head of the Departments in the Faculty of Engineering discussed talent management with two academics from UKM and UTeMM. Then, in the second part, the researchers will discuss the potential for research and academic collaborations with the academics and the Dean of FTKKI UMT.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M, M.Sc, Ph.D, said that he was grateful to be able to welcome a visit from one of their partner from Malaysia. He hoped that this visit will be able to open up the relationship between the two institutions so that it can be beneficial for both parties in the future. ”Welcome to Universitas Diponegoro, welcome to the Faculty of Engineering, we want to silaturahim (stay in touch) with you all,” said Prof. Agung.

The Department of URP Undip and Urban and Regional Planning UTM Strengthens Their Relationships through International Joint Student Seminar 2023

The Department of URP Undip and Urban and Regional Planning UTM Strengthens Their Relationships through International Joint Student Seminar 2023

(22/7) The Department of URP Undip in collaboration with the Urban and Regional Planning of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) held an online seminar titled International Joint Student Seminar UTM-UNDIP 2023. This seminar is a discussion forum that brings together all the students to exchange ideas in discussing the issue of sustainable rural development. This event was not only attended by students and lecturers from the Department of URP Undip but also attended by students and lecturers from Urban and Regional Planning UTM and the public.

The representative from Urban and Regional Planning UTM, Dr. Mohamad Fadhli bin Rashid said, this collaboration could be established because of the close relationship between the Department of URP Undip and Urban and Regional Planning UTM. Previously, there had been a meeting between URP Undip and Urban and Regional Planning UTM held on 10th July which resulted in at least four collaboration programs. “Previously, we do have several programs conducted before, at least four programs, between UTM and Undip,” he said.

In this seminar program, two students from UTM and two students from Undip will present their final project on rural development by taking the case study that occurs in Malaysia and Indonesia. From this event, Mr Fadhli hoped that this program can generate new insights for the students regarding rural development issues in both countries. “We gather all the students to hear the presentation from both countries and we hope that it will be beneficial for Malaysian students and Indonesian students, and to all the participants who join this program,” he said.

There were four titles presented in this seminar. Those four titles were then divided into two sessions, namely “Sustainable Rural Development” session and “Sustainable Rural Transformation and Livelihoods” session. In the first session, there were two materials presented, which were “Rural Development Action Plan in KEJORA (Tanjung Serindit Kampong)” by Andik Aidah Nadia from UTM and “The Impacts of Tourism Development on Sustainable Rural Livelihoods” by Nisa Sabira from Undip. The second session was filled with the materials titled “Rural Development Action Plan in KEJORA and PENGERANG (Felda Adela)” by Fatin Farwiezah from UTM and “From Rustic Roots to Tourism: Unveiling the Rural Transformation” by Adelaide Zalfa Syahrani from Undip.

The Head of the Department of URP Undip, Prof. Dr-Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, S.T, M.T, MPS, showed her gratitude towards all the parties involved for the success of this collaboration program between students from two countries. She hoped that from this event there will be other collaborations that will mutually benefit both institutions in the future. “I hoped that it will motivate us from both sides to have more collaborations like this so that our students may have some fruitful exchange and also some more experience. Not only for the Department of URP but also intends to develop our knowledge,” she said.

The news generated from the Department of URP Undip

Universitas Diponegoro Collaborates with Korea-Indonesia MTCRC to Develop Marine Science and Technology

Universitas Diponegoro Collaborates with Korea-Indonesia MTCRC to Develop Marine Science and Technology

(14/7) Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) signed a cooperation agreement with Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC). The signing ceremony was held at the Rector’s Conference Room, Widya Puraya Building 2nd Floor, Undip Tembalang Campus. At this event, the Rector of Universitas Diponegoro, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H, M.Hum, was present as the representative from Undip to sign the Memorandum of Agreement related to the cooperation in the academics and research field with representatives from MTCRC represented by Dr. Hansan Park and Ivonne Milichristi Radjawane, Ph.D.

MTCRC, also known in Indonesia as PPKTK (Pusat Penelitian dan Kerjasama Teknologi Kelautan), is a joint research center established by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) on behalf of the Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries (MOF) of the Republic of Korea and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) on behalf of the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI) of the Republic of Indonesia. This research center focuses on developing research in the field of marine science and technology between Korea and Indonesia.

According to Dr. Hansan Park, one of the representatives from MTCRC, Undip was chosen as one of the partners by MTCRC because of its reputation for having a good academic reputation and producing high-quality graduates. “MTCRC currently has 25 staff, 5 of them are Undip alumni. MTCRC also has an Advisory Board, one of them is Undip alumni. This important representation from Undip strengthens our belief that collaboration with this University will bring great benefits in advancing the Indonesia Maritime sector,” he explained.

The Rector of Undip, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H, M.Hum, also welcomed this collaboration. For him, this collaboration aligns with the vision of Undip as an Excellent Research University at the International level. “Undip pays great attention to increasing the number of scientific research in specific fields to achieve our vision as a World Class Excellent Research University,” Prof. Yos said.

At this signing ceremony, several Deans from the Faculty/School in Undip were also present. One of them is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. According to Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M, M.Sc, Ph.D, as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, this collaboration is an excellent opportunity for the Faculty of Engineering considering that currently the Faculty of Engineering already has several collaborations with several higher education institutions (HEI) in Korea. “We have several links with universities in Korea, such as Pukyong National University. We have been working for years with them and until now the collaboration is still close,” he said.

Prof. Agung hoped, with this collaboration the Faculty of Engineering could participate in initiating educational collaborations, especially in the maritime field, where the Faculty of Engineering itself has one department that focuses on studies in this field, namely the Department of Naval Architecture. “Because it is related to maritime matters, I also said what is the department (in the Faculty) that related (with MTCRC) on that event, that is Naval Architecture. We can initiate a collaboration there,” he said.

The news generated from Universitas Diponegoro

The Department of Civil Engineering Undip Visits NCKU and NUU Taiwan to Initiate Collaborative Acts in Education and Research

The Department of Civil Engineering Undip Visits NCKU and NUU Taiwan to Initiate Collaborative Acts in Education and Research

(30/6) Delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip consisting of Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Tudjono, M.S, Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M.Eng, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharyanto, M.Sc, and Dr-Ing. Bobby Rio Indriyantho, S.T, M.T, held a visit to National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and National United University (NUU) Taiwan. This visit was held for five days starting from 26 June to 30 June 2023. The purpose of this visit was to conduct a quality assessment as well as to initiate collaborative efforts between the Department of Civil Engineering Undip and those two leading universities in Taiwan.

During this visit, the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip visited NCKU to conduct several collaborative programs such as joint supervision established in 2017. Other than visiting NCKU, the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip also managed to hold a meeting and discuss the collaboration potential with representatives from NUU Taiwan. In this meeting, there were several important points that were successfully agreed by both parties. The points of collaboration include a joint degree program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, a credit transfer program, joint research, joint application for an international workshop or symposium, a setting for a joint laboratory, and preparation for international programs at both universities.

The delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip was taking photo together with representatives from NUU Taiwan. The visit to NUU Taiwan resulted in several agreements, such as joint degree and joint research

In addition to visiting NCKU and NUU, the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip also had the opportunity to visit a national laboratory facility in Taiwan, namely National Applied Research Laboratory (NARLabs). NARLabs is a research institution located in Taipei, Taiwan, and consists of several national independent laboratories with various study focuses. One of the NARLabs laboratories visited by the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip was the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), a national laboratory focused on developing knowledge and technology related to earthquake engineering.

The delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip visited NARLabs Taiwan. NARLabs is a national research institute in Taiwan that has several national leading laboratories, such as NCREE

Dr-Ing. Bobby Rio Indriyantho, S.T, M.T, one of the members of the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip hopes that this visit can be continued and improved so that it can provide greater benefits for both parties. “Hopefully this collaboration can be continued and improved. Hopefully, there will be more joint research and joint supervision in the future,” he said.

The news generated from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip

Faculty of Engineering Undip and Faculty of Computing and Informatics UMS Held Online Meeting to Discuss Research Collaboration and Student Mobility Scheme

Faculty of Engineering Undip and Faculty of Computing and Informatics UMS Held Online Meeting to Discuss Research Collaboration and Student Mobility Scheme

(21/6) The Faculty of Engineering Universitas Diponegoro and the Faculty of Computing and Informatics Universiti Malaysia Sabah (FCI UMS) held an online meeting. This meeting is a follow-up to the collaboration that has been started since 2022.

At this online meeting, also present the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo,  M.M, M.Sc, Ph.D, Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr.nat.tech. Siswo Sumardiono, S.T, M.T, Coordinator of the International Office of the Faculty of Engineering, Mada Sophianingrum, S.T, M.T, M.Sc, Head of the Department of Computer Engineering, Dr. Adian Fatchur Rochim, S.T, M.T, SMIEEE, and representatives from the Department of Computer Engineering Undip.

On the FCI UMS side, also present the Dean of FCI UMS, Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Hanafi Ahmad Hijazi, Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation of FCI UMS, Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim, Deputy Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of FCI UMS, Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Chim Kin On, all of the heads of study programs, and representatives from FCI UMS.

Previously, the Faculty of Engineering Undip had several collaborations with FCI UMS, of which the latest is a collaboration in the form of visiting lecture held with the Department of Computer Engineering Undip. At this meeting, there were two main topics discussed, which were collaboration regarding the student mobility scheme and joint research collaboration.

Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M, M.Sc, Ph.D as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undip said that this collaboration is a form of trust from both parties to the collaboration that has been going on all this time. As the Dean, he hopes that this collaboration can be beneficial for both parties.” Hopefully this collaboration could benefit both of us,” he said.

The Dean of FCI UMS, Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Hanafi Ahmad Hijazi, hoped that this meeting is able to give a clear line regarding the form and the implementation of the collaboration that will be arranged between FCI UMS and the Faculty of Engineering Undip in the future. “We hope that after this meeting it will be clear about what collaboration we should do in the future,” he said.

Borine Indonesia Visited the Faculty of Engineering to Discuss Collaboration Potentials in Robotics

Borine Indonesia Visited the Faculty of Engineering to Discuss Collaboration Potentials in Robotics

(16/9) The Faculty of Engineering was visited by PT Borine Technology Indonesia (Borine Indonesia). The visit was held in the Senate Room, Dekanat Building 3rd Floor. This visit was a follow-up to the previous visit, where the Faculty of Engineering previously visited the Borine Indonesia factory in Kendal Industrial Park. On this visit, also present the Manager of Human Resources and General Affairs of Borine Indonesia, Farah Adrienne, Manager of Research and Development, Ningbo Borine Electric Appliances, Brian Ye, and General Manager of Ningbo Borine Electric Appliances, Jankey Ren.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M, M.Sc, Ph.D, had the opportunity to deliver opening remarks at this visit. In his remarks, he was pleased with the offer given by Borine Indonesia to the Faculty of Engineering Undip. In his opinion, the effort to create collaborative actions between educational institutions and industry is important to be realized immediately. With this cooperation offer, he hopes that the Faculty of Engineering can establish cooperation in the form of joint research and internship at Borine Indonesia. “Hopefully in the future, the collaborative actions can be realized in the form of research and internships with Borine,” he said.

General Manager of Ningbo Borine Electric Appliances, Mr. Jankey Ren (right), discusses with lecturers from the Department of Mechanical Engineering Undip

General Manager of Ningbo Borine Electric Appliances, Jankey Ren, revealed that Borine is interested in developing robotic technology in its company. The Faculty of Engineering Undip is considered as a suitable partner because there have been many graduates from the Faculty of Engineering Undip who works for Borine Indonesia. He believed that with this cooperation, both parties can reap positive results in the future. “The workers in Indonesia are famous for being smart, they are diligent, they are hard workers, and they are willing to learn new things. We are interested in collaborating (with the Faculty of Engineering) because of that,” he said.

During this visit, the representatives from Borine Indonesia did not only visit the Faculty of Engineering. They also had the opportunity to see the works from the academics of Undip in the Robotic and Automation Laboratory Undip. Moreover, they also had the opportunity to meet the Robotic team of Undip (URDC) in the Student Center Undip. Hopefully, from this visit, the cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering and Borine Indonesia can be realized soon and have a beneficial impact in the future.