(7/8) The Department of Environmental Engineering Universitas Diponegoro conducted a guest lecture with the theme “Introduction of Field Survey Type Research in Environmental Engineering” at the Theatre Room, Dekanat Building of the Faculty of Engineering, 4th Floor. In this guest lecture, Prof. Takanobu Inoue, who is also a researcher from Toyohashi University of Technology Japan became the main speaker. At the same time, Bela Despasari, S.T from the Master Program of Environmental Engineering was appointed as the moderator.

This guest lecture was part of the International Lecture Series (ILS) program initiated by the Department of Environmental Engineering Undip. The purpose of this program is to share the latest scientific developments in the world, especially those related to topics in the field of Environmental Engineering.

The lecture began with the opening remarks delivered by the Head of the Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Dr. Ing. Sudarno, S.T, M.Sc. In his remarks, he said that the Department of Environmental Engineering has been collaborating with Toyohashi University of Technology for two years. “We have been collaborating with Toyohashi University of Technology since two years ago.”

The collaboration between the Department of Environmental Engineering Undip and the Toyohashi University of Technology started two years ago, and the latest collaboration happened in July 2023. In this latest collaboration, 3 students from the Department of Environmental Engineering Undip participated in a student exchange program at Toyohashi University of Technology from July to the end of September 2023. These students will participate in several academic activities, including research, class, and laboratory seminars.

Previously, the Department of Environmental Engineering Undip organized the International Lecture Series program by inviting Prof. Claudia Johanna Gallert from the University of Applied Sciences Emden Leer, Germany in April 2023. In this guest lecture, Prof. Claudia presented material with the theme “The Role of Microbiology in Municipal Wastewater Treatment” at the same place, Theatre Room, Dekanat Building 4th Floor.

The guest lecture with Prof. Takanobu Inoue was filled by a presentation titled “Introduction of Field Survey Type Research in Environmental Engineering”. After that, a discussion section was guided by the moderator. The lecture was closed by a question-and-answer section between the participants and the main speaker. Mr. Sudarno hoped that this guest lecture could maintain the collaboration that had been established between the two parties. “I hope that we can keep this collaboration well,” he said.

The news generated from the Department of Environmental Engineering Undip

Reporter : Berry Rizky Dzulhijjah

Editor, Translator : M. Rusmul Khandiq