(4/8) The Department of URP Undip in collaboration with the Department of Urban and Regional Planning University of Hawai’i at Manoa (DURP UHM) held an event titled “Summer Course 2023: ‘Resilient Communities for Sustainable Cities: Urban Informality, Inclusion, and Innovation’”. The event which was held online and offline from 24 July to 4 August 2023 was attended by 38 participants from various countries consisting of 12 offline participants and 26 online participants. The opening ceremony of this summer course took was held in the Theater Room, Department of URP Undip.

Head of the Department of URP Undip, Prof. Dr-Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, S.T, M.T, MPS explained that the Summer Course 2023 event aimed to introduce participants to how the communities in urban areas around Semarang are able to survive and innovate thus creating a sustainable life amid the threat of climate change. This topic is in line with the eleventh goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) about Sustainable Cities and Communities. “We would like not only to focus on studying the kampongs but also studying the Sustainable Development Goals point eleven,” she said.

The participants were invited to visit several locations to learn directly about resilient communities. One of the locations visited was Bustaman Kampong

She also added that this summer course will be held online and offline using the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) scheme. With this scheme, all classes will be recorded and then uploaded online and can be accessed anytime by online participants. “We also made a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), so then this summer course will be held in hybrid. So, online participants can join anytime, but to get the certificate they have to do all the assignments given,” said Prof. Wiwandari.

Assoc. Prof. Priyam Das, Ph.D, the representative from DURP UHM, expressed her gratitude for the collaboration between DURP UHM and DURP Undip which resulted in this summer course event. She hoped that in the future DURP UHM can collaborate further with DURP Undip. “We hoped to be able to work together with Undip to learn more about this topic (resilient communities and sustainable cities),” she said.

Participants travel by boat to Sayung Village. Sayung is known as the sinking village due to the rising sea level every year as a result of climate change

On this summer course, several researchers and practitioners from various institutions were invited to present their materials during the summer course. The presenters include Assoc. Prof. Ashok Das, Ph.D and Assoc. Prof. Priyam Das, Ph.D from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Prof. Dr-Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, S.T, M.T, MPS and Rukuh Setiadi, S.T, M.T, Ph.D from Undip, M. Luthfi Eko Nugroho, S.T, M.T from the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) of Semarang City, and Arif Sugeng Haryanto, S.T from the Housing and Settlement Office of Central Java Province. Apart from the presentation and discussion, the participants also experienced studio activities and visited several locations such as Sayung Village, Urban Farming Areas on the bank of Tenggang River, Pelangi Kampong, and Bustaman Kampong.

Chinedu Okoli, one of the participants from Nigeria said that he was very excited to be able to join this summer course. For him, this summer course gave him many opportunities to meet and exchange cultures with many people from various countries. He hoped that he can obtain lots of beneficial knowledge after this event. “I was happy because I can meet people from different countries. Each individual is different. Their culture, their lives, it’s exciting! I hope we can learn more from here.”

The news generated from the Department of URP Undip