(31/8) The Department of Electrical Engineering (DTE) Undip organized a Summer Course titled Electro Tech Summer Institute (ETSI) 2024. This Summer Course program was held from 25 August to 1 September 2024 and was attended by dozens of students from three prestigious universities in Malaysia.
The ETSI 2024 Summer Course aims to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into electrical and computer engineering. Participants from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Multimedia University, and Nottingham University Malaysia will learn in Semarang about various electrical and computer engineering skills that can contribute to sustainable solutions, both during their studies and in the professional world.
“This year, the ETSI Summer Course is not just an academic program, it is also a unique opportunity for all to engage deeply with SDGs and to explore our world in electrical and computer engineering and can contribute to creating a sustainable future,” said Eko Handoyo, S.T, M.T, ETSI 2024 chairperson.
ETSI 2024 participants not only get lectures, but also have direct learning experiences through visits. One of them is by visiting the CBIOM3S Laboratory.
In ETSI 2024, the participants were involved in several activities, from visiting the Education and Training Implementation Unit (UPDL) of PLN Semarang to attending lecturers from Prof. Bulan Prabawani about Undip’s role in advancing SDGs and from Prof. Nooritawati Md Tahir on how to write and prepare manuscripts and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
In addition, the participants also had the opportunity to visit CBIOM3S Laboratory to learn directly about various research and innovations made by Undip researchers in the biomedical field. Apart from obtaining academic experience, the participants also experienced cultural exposure through visits to several cultural sites in Semarang and Yogyakarta.
ETSI 2024 participants came from three reputable universities in Malaysia, namely Universiti Teknologi MARA, Multimedia University, and Nottingham University Malaysia.
Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T, M.T, as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, hoped that the students who joined ETSI 2024 will not only learn academic stuff but also obtain memorable cultural experiences while in Indonesia.
“Summer Course is not the first, the first thing is you have to be happy here, you can learn about anything, Malaysia, from Semenanjung to Serawak-Sabah is almost the same. But Indonesia is completely different from Aceh until Papua. We are very huge, and the culture is also very diverse. This is the most interesting thing for you,” he said.
One of the participants, Vimalrich Selvam from Multimedia University, said he was happy with this Summer Course program. He was amazed by the culture and politeness of Indonesians during the program at Undip. “It’s very nice to see your culture here. All people are so polite. You guys are very kind in welcoming us,” stated Vimalrich.
ETSI 2024 is expected to be a platform for Undip to contribute to advancing SDGs and collaborating with international partners. “These activities aimed to increase the collaboration, not only for the faculty but also between two countries,” concluded Ir. Aghus Sofwan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPU, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering Undip.
Semarang, 1 August 2024 – The Geological Engineering Department of FT Undip is holding Summer Course activities on 25 – 30 July 2024 in Semarang City and Jepara Regency. This activity collaborates with a partner university from Germany, namely RWTH Aachen University. Apart from that, this activity also collaborated with Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, which also sent student representatives. The activity was attended by 39 participants consisting of 22 participants physically present and 17 online participants via the Zoom platform. Participants were a mixture of students from various universities, namely from Indonesia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, China, Malaysia, Brazil and England. The topic taken is specifically in the field of Hydrogeology, with the activity title “Hydrogeology of saltwater intrusion in the northern Java coastal area: case study Semarang and Jepara, Central Java”.
Seawater intrusion is a natural phenomenon that allows seawater to enter the aquifer. Decades of exploitation of water resources in coastal areas lowered groundwater levels and allowed the interface between sea water and fresh water to move inland. Therefore, the quality of groundwater will decline and will no longer be useful for meeting human needs. Research and investigative efforts must be pursued to better understand coastal aquifer flow to avoid further degradation. In this program, participants are invited to investigate hydrogeological concepts related to sea water intrusion and explain specific cases in Semarang and Jepara, Central Java, where conditions are accelerating due to land subsidence and sea level rise. This activity is important for understanding environmental problems and water resource management in coastal areas according to one of the Sustainable Development Goals agendas.
The series of activities begins on July 25 2024 with an opening event and lectures related to the Summer Course topic. Prof. Dr. Jamari as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, welcomed the participants and invited guests warmly. The first lecture was delivered by Najib, Ph.D, a resource person from Geological Engineering and chairman of the committee, with the material title “Regional Geology of Central Java Lowland and Coastal Area”. Next, the topic “Saltwater Intrusion in Urban Area on the Northern Coast of Java” was delivered by Prof. Dr. Agus Setyawan from the Department of Physics. The last lecture by Prof. Thomas Rüde from RWTH Aachen University regarding “Sampling and Parameters in Coastal Aquifers”. Each session was interspersed with questions and answers and discussions from both participants in class and those present online.
On the second day, July 26 2024, participants were invited to carry out observations, measurements and sampling in the field. The objects observed and data taken were dug wells, ponds and deep wells in Tugu District and Genuk District, Semarang City. Participants were divided into four groups and separated into two groups for more effective observation. Before taking data, participants were taught how to calibrate the measurement equipment. Prof. Rüde explained that measurements of groundwater parameters in the field must be carried out precisely and in detail, and taking into account geological conditions. After collecting data and samples, participants were invited to plant mangroves in the Tapak Beach area. Planting mangroves is one of the local communities’ efforts to conserve coastal areas affected by abrasion.
The group moved to Jepara Regency on 27-28 July 2024, covering Kedung, Bandengan, Tahunan and Mlonggo Districts. The activities carried out in Jepara are still the same as before, namely collecting data and groundwater samples from wells dug by residents in coastal areas. In the Jepara area, variations in the physical and chemical characteristics of groundwater can be observed due to differences in the types of rocks that make up the aquifer. In between activities, the participants and lecturers socialized in relaxing activities, namely playing on the beach, playing sports together, and intimate evenings in the Blebak Beach area, Jepara.
After returning to Semarang, on July 29 2024 the participants carried out laboratory analysis of groundwater samples taken previously. Activities were carried out at the Environmental Management Geology Laboratory, Geological Engineering to determine chemical characteristics which are parameters in sea water intrusion analysis. Participants under the direction of Prof. Rüde worked carefully in shifts, so that each member of the group could perform spectrometric analysis on the samples. The analysis continues with data processing in groups to be presented the following day.
Before making their presentations, participants were given time to discuss the results of their work on July 30 2024. The committee also invited lecturer and student representatives from various departments at Undip. Finally, participants present what they have done in front of supervisors, lecturers, invited guests and online participants. Each group conveyed well and discussed the questions given, as a result of the knowledge they had gained over the last few days. This session ended with impressions, messages and thanks from Dr. Najib as chairman of the committee and Prof. Rüde as supervisor from the partner university, and also as a tribute to remember the Late Prof. Thomas T Putranto who previously initiated the activity. The series of activities closed with a tour and tour of Semarang City. Participants are invited to go on a batik shopping trip and visit historical places, namely the Sam Poo Kong Temple and the Old Town area. A dinner event in the Semarang Old Town was the end of this Summer Course activity.
The 6 days of activities ran smoothly, even though there were dynamics and changes in the field, the committee was able to handle them well. The enthusiasm of the participants and the dedication of the resource persons should be appreciated. The benefit of the activity has been achieved collaboration between universities in sharing knowledge and expertise that supports the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Apart from that, the interaction between German, Saudi Arabian, local UGM and Undip students looked warm in studying each other’s character and culture. This allows for further networking and scientific collaboration not only within the university but also for students who participate in this activity.
The Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DPWK) Undip in collaboration with the University of Hawai’i at Manoa held a Summer Course with the theme “Sustainability and Resilience in the Spatial Development”. The course, held from 16 to 25 July 2024, was attended by students from various countries, offline or online. The opening ceremony took place at Theater Room, DPWK Undip.
The Head of DPWK Undip, Prof. Dr-Ing Wiwandari Handayani, S.T, M.T, MPS, explains that this Summer Course has been held together for the third time with the Urban and Regional Planning, University of Hawai’i at Manoa. As Prof. Wiwandari said, there is a slight difference between this year’s course and the previous years. This year, apart from being held in hybrid using MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) platform, the participants also received a two-day symposium on Pedagogy and Urban Planning in collaboration with LuceSea Foundation, University of Hawai’i at Manoa.
“This year is a little bit different, because we combine the course with our research with LuceSea Foundation on Pedagogy and Urban Planning, so we have a two-day symposium, combined with a site visit later,” Prof. Wiwandari said.
This year, Summer Course participants had the opportunity to join the symposium on Pedagogy and Urban Planning in collaboration with LuceSea Foundation, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Representative from the University of Hawai’i and Manoa, Assoc. Prof. Ashok Das, M.Arch, M.A, Ph.D, warmly appreciated this Summer Course. Ashok said that Semarang is an interesting place because there are tons of issues that can be learn. He hopes that students can learn many things from Semarang.
“There are not many very interesting places like Semarang. You have all kinds of issues. You have economic development issues, climate change, sea level rise, tradition, culture, in tassel in sort of conflict with modernization, urbanization, and the erasure of culture and heritage,” states Ashok.
Summer Course participants engage in a direct dialogue with the affected residents in Sayung Village, Demak
Besides visiting the residents affected by climate change in Demak dan Semarang, the participants also had the opportunity to learn how to do batik in Laksmi Art Batik
In this Summer Course, the participants did not only receive materials and studio classes. The participants also had the opportunity to visit several places affected by climate change to learn directly with local communities, such as in Sayung Village and Tambakrejo. Other than that, the participants had the opportunity to learn how to do batik at Laksmi Art Batik
Jacob Wruck, one of the participants from the United States, was delighted with this Summer Course. He said that this program is a good opportunity to learn directly with affected residents. “The course was fantastic. We get to go to the communities, talk to the people, and see some of the factors (that causing) those situations…It’s been very good to get our hands on and get to ask people some questions that are supposed to be reaped not only from researching inside the class,” said Jacob.
(4/8) The Department of URP Undip in collaboration with the Department of Urban and Regional Planning University of Hawai’i at Manoa (DURP UHM) held an event titled “Summer Course 2023: ‘Resilient Communities for Sustainable Cities: Urban Informality, Inclusion, and Innovation’”. The event which was held online and offline from 24 July to 4 August 2023 was attended by 38 participants from various countries consisting of 12 offline participants and 26 online participants. The opening ceremony of this summer course took was held in the Theater Room, Department of URP Undip.
Head of the Department of URP Undip, Prof. Dr-Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, S.T, M.T, MPS explained that the Summer Course 2023 event aimed to introduce participants to how the communities in urban areas around Semarang are able to survive and innovate thus creating a sustainable life amid the threat of climate change. This topic is in line with the eleventh goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) about Sustainable Cities and Communities. “We would like not only to focus on studying the kampongs but also studying the Sustainable Development Goals point eleven,” she said.
She also added that this summer course will be held online and offline using the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) scheme. With this scheme, all classes will be recorded and then uploaded online and can be accessed anytime by online participants. “We also made a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), so then this summer course will be held in hybrid. So, online participants can join anytime, but to get the certificate they have to do all the assignments given,” said Prof. Wiwandari.
Assoc. Prof. Priyam Das, Ph.D, the representative from DURP UHM, expressed her gratitude for the collaboration between DURP UHM and DURP Undip which resulted in this summer course event. She hoped that in the future DURP UHM can collaborate further with DURP Undip. “We hoped to be able to work together with Undip to learn more about this topic (resilient communities and sustainable cities),” she said.
On this summer course, several researchers and practitioners from various institutions were invited to present their materials during the summer course. The presenters include Assoc. Prof. Ashok Das, Ph.D and Assoc. Prof. Priyam Das, Ph.D from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Prof. Dr-Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, S.T, M.T, MPS and Rukuh Setiadi, S.T, M.T, Ph.D from Undip, M. Luthfi Eko Nugroho, S.T, M.T from the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) of Semarang City, and Arif Sugeng Haryanto, S.T from the Housing and Settlement Office of Central Java Province. Apart from the presentation and discussion, the participants also experienced studio activities and visited several locations such as Sayung Village, Urban Farming Areas on the bank of Tenggang River, Pelangi Kampong, and Bustaman Kampong.
Chinedu Okoli, one of the participants from Nigeria said that he was very excited to be able to join this summer course. For him, this summer course gave him many opportunities to meet and exchange cultures with many people from various countries. He hoped that he can obtain lots of beneficial knowledge after this event. “I was happy because I can meet people from different countries. Each individual is different. Their culture, their lives, it’s exciting! I hope we can learn more from here.”
(27/6) The International Undergraduate Program (IUP) of the Department of URP Undip sent again one of their students to join the double degree program at Curtin University. A student named Reyhan Wisnu Aliandri from IUP of the Department of URP, class of 2021, successfully got the opportunity to continue his study and obtain a double degree at the university that was ranked 183rd in the world.
This double degree program itself is the result of the collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering Undip and Curtin University which started since 2018. For now, there are two departments in the Faculty of Engineering Undip that offer the opportunity to pursue this double degree program through the International Undergraduate Program (IUP), which is the Department of URP and the Department of Chemical Engineering. The Department of URP itself has ever sent its students to participate in this program, where three of their students from the IUP program of URP went to Curtin University to continue their study in 2022.
This year, Reyhan Wisnu Aliandri is the only student from IUP of URP who will undergo a double degree program at Curtin University. Reyhan himself is grateful because he got the opportunity through the IUP program. He said that he initially chose the IUP in the Department of URP Undip because he learned that the international partners of the Department of URP are world-leading universities, such as Curtin University. “I didn’t know what IUP was for the first time. When I saw the IUP program in Undip, I learned about the partners for the IUP program, one of which was Curtin. That’s why I was interested in enrolling in this program,” he said.
As an IUP student of the Department of URP, Reyhan shared how the IUP program provides many opportunities to learn with international standards. He admitted that while in the IUP program of URP, he had many opportunities to study with international students, such as through Summer Courses, Joint Studios, and Double Degrees. “I enrolled in the IUP program of URP to be able to study with international standards. My parents also fully support that. Here I have the privilege to join several international programs such as Summer Course, Joint Studio, and Double Degree,” said Reyhan.
He advised the IUP students who are interested in enrolling in the double degree program at Curtin University to prepare the necessary files such as IELTS. In addition, he also advised the IUP students to look for information related to the double degree program independently, and always maintain communication with their parents. “Tips from me, prepare for the IELTS test well. For this test you have to study, so you have to keep your spirits up and keep motivating yourself. Then, you have to look for the information by yourself. Lastly, keep communicating with your parents.”
Reyhan was scheduled to arrive and begin his orientation period at Curtin University on 17th July. He hoped that with his achievement, there are many IUP students from the Department of URP who were interested in joining in a similar program. Moreover, he also hoped that the IUP of the Department of URP could provide more international programs for their student. “Hopefully in the future, there will be more international programs from the IUP of URP Undip so that there will be more interaction with foreign students. Hopefully, the IUP of URP will be more successful, have more students, and have more fun,” said Reyhan.
(16/9) One student from the International Undergraduate Program of the Department of Regional and Urban Planning (DURP) Undip successfully passed and participated in a summer course program held by the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley). A student named Armeino Fadhlan Atana from the International Program class of 2021 had the opportunity to take part in a summer course entitled DISC (Design + Innovation for Sustainable Cities) held by UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design on 3rd July – 4th August 2023.
Armeino said that his success in joining the summer course program held by the prestigious campus that ranked 27th in the world was originally a trial. He said that he had been eager to study abroad since he was in high school. “At first I just tried it, because my motivation to study abroad was still high. I tried to register for the summer course, I didn’t expect that I would pass it,” said this student who was born in Bandung.
He also said that he had prepared a lot of things to be accepted at the world’s most prestigious campuses. He said that he took many online courses on the internet and practiced his English language skills by himself. Besides that, he also prepared other strategies such as choosing the right and affordable English proficiency tests, as well as training in his essay and letter of intent writing. “In my essay, I wrote the problems that I face from my perspective as a city planner. Besides that, I also wrote important things in my letter of intent, such as innovations and solutions for universities in Indonesia,” he said.
As an IUP student of the Department of URP Undip, Armeino felt grateful that he had many opportunities to study with international standards in the IUP Program. He shared how he initially wanted to study abroad but his parents forbade him, so he enrolled in the IUP program. “When I was in high school, my study orientation was to study abroad. But my parents disagreed, so I chose IUP,” he said.
He encouraged other IUP students to dare to try the opportunities available to study further at the top universities. “Don’t be afraid at the beginning. Never try, never know. If you never know, you never win,” said Armeino.
The DISC program itself is attended by students from all over the world and has a rigid and long selection process. Armeino hoped that with his participation in this program, he may be able to get the opportunity to study at UC Berkeley easier later. “By joining this summer course, I can experience studying at UC Berkeley. I hope it will ease my entry (to UC Berkeley).”