(6/10) The Faculty of Engineering Undip officially opened its 65th Dies Natalis commemoration ceremony. The opening ceremony and a mass exercise workout with staff and stakeholders of the Faculty were held at the Dekanat Building (Prof. Ir. Eko Budihardjo, M.Sc). This opening ceremony was attended by academics and staff of the Faculty of Engineering, including all Heads of Departments within the Faculty of Engineering Undip.

This year, the theme was “Go Global, Show Your Potential”. For the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M, M.Sc, Ph.D, this theme was chosen as an exclamation for the readiness of the Faculty of Engineering to enter the international stage. For him, this Dies Natalis commemoration is the perfect time for the Faculty of Engineering to start this. “The theme is Go Global, Show Your Potential. This means that for now, we are ready to ‘play’ at the international level, and show your potential. So how we display our uniqueness,” he said.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M, M.Sc, Ph.D, while giving an opening remarks at the opening ceremony of the 65th Dies Natalis of the Faculty of Engineering Undip

Ir. Ari Eko Widyantoro, S.T, M.Si, IPM, Chief Executive of the 65th Dies Natalis commemoration ceremony of the Faculty of Engineering Undip, explained that there are several agendas that have been prepared to celebrate the anniversary this year. It is planned that those agendas will be started from October to November 2023. “In this 65th Dies Natalis, there are several activities. One of which is this mass exercise workout with staff and the Opening Ceremony, then there is the Selection for the Outstanding Staff of the Year, and there will be a Career Seminar, Pilgrimage to our Founders, Inauguration of the Dekanat Building, there will be a National Seminar for Energy Transition, Alumni Gathering, Briefing Class for Graduates, Public Lecture from the Minister of Public Works and Housing, E-Fest, Job Fair from Engineering Career Center, and the last, will be held on 24 November, is Seminar and Electrical Car Demo from Antawirya and closing ceremony,” he explained.

Related to this Dies Natalis, Prof. Agung added that the Faculty of Engineering Undip itself has made many achievements both at national and international levels. One of them is the success of PSMT Undip in winning the 12th Bali International Choir Festival and the success of Bandhayuda Team of Robotics Undip at the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) 2023, With these achievements, Prof. Agung hoped that this anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Engineering can be an important point for the Faculty of Engineering to continue in providing useful contributions and be accepted by the society. “Hopefully in the future the Faculty of Engineering has an uniqueness that can be accepted by the society,” he said.