(30/6) Delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip consisting of Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Tudjono, M.S, Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M.Eng, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharyanto, M.Sc, and Dr-Ing. Bobby Rio Indriyantho, S.T, M.T, held a visit to National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and National United University (NUU) Taiwan. This visit was held for five days starting from 26 June to 30 June 2023. The purpose of this visit was to conduct a quality assessment as well as to initiate collaborative efforts between the Department of Civil Engineering Undip and those two leading universities in Taiwan.

During this visit, the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip visited NCKU to conduct several collaborative programs such as joint supervision established in 2017. Other than visiting NCKU, the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip also managed to hold a meeting and discuss the collaboration potential with representatives from NUU Taiwan. In this meeting, there were several important points that were successfully agreed by both parties. The points of collaboration include a joint degree program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, a credit transfer program, joint research, joint application for an international workshop or symposium, a setting for a joint laboratory, and preparation for international programs at both universities.

The delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip was taking photo together with representatives from NUU Taiwan. The visit to NUU Taiwan resulted in several agreements, such as joint degree and joint research

In addition to visiting NCKU and NUU, the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip also had the opportunity to visit a national laboratory facility in Taiwan, namely National Applied Research Laboratory (NARLabs). NARLabs is a research institution located in Taipei, Taiwan, and consists of several national independent laboratories with various study focuses. One of the NARLabs laboratories visited by the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip was the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), a national laboratory focused on developing knowledge and technology related to earthquake engineering.

The delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip visited NARLabs Taiwan. NARLabs is a national research institute in Taiwan that has several national leading laboratories, such as NCREE

Dr-Ing. Bobby Rio Indriyantho, S.T, M.T, one of the members of the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip hopes that this visit can be continued and improved so that it can provide greater benefits for both parties. “Hopefully this collaboration can be continued and improved. Hopefully, there will be more joint research and joint supervision in the future,” he said.

The news generated from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip