(29/6) Three lecturers from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip were invited to join as external examiners for the master’s thesis of three Indonesian students who are currently taking a Master’s program at National United University (NUU) Taiwan. The three lecturers including Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharyanto, M.Sc, Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M.Eng, and Dr-Ing. Bobby Rio Indriyantho, S.T, M.T. Those three lecturers were able to be external examiners at NUU Taiwan through the long-standing cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering Undip and College of Engineering NUU.

 Of those three lecturers, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharyanto, M.Sc, joined as a committee member along with Prof. Wen-Cheng Liu from NUU to examine the master’s thesis of a student named Firnandino Wijaya. While Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M.Eng and Dr-Ing. Bobby Rio Indriyantho, S.T, M.T, along with Prof. Chung-Seng Lee from NUU, were appointed as examiners for Obed Adi Kusuma and Mhd. Rony Asshidiqie. Those three Master’s program students previously underwent an undergraduate program at the Department of Civil Engineering Undip before continuing their studies at NUU through the cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering Undip and NUU Taiwan.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharyanto, M.Sc, and Prof. Wen-Cheng Liu from NUU taking a photo together with Firnandino Wijaya, an Indonesian student who continued his study in NUU Taiwan
Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M.Eng, Dr-Ing. Bobby Rio Indriyantho, S.T, M.T, and Prof. Chung-Seng Lee from NUU pose together with Obed Adi Kusuma and Mhd. Rony Asshidiqie. Both students previously took Bachelor’s degree at the Department of Civil Engineering Undip 

This joint thesis supervision program for Indonesian students at NUU Taiwan is also part of a series of visits held by the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip which has been going since 26 June 2023. On this visit, the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip not only held a thesis examination but also discussed potential collaborations with representatives from NUU Taiwan.

On this occasion, the delegation from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip also had the opportunity to meet several students from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip who continued their studies at NUU Taiwan. Dr-Ing. Bobby Rio Indriyantho, S.T, M.T, one of the lecturers who participated as committee members for the master’s thesis examination at NUU Taiwan hoped, in the future, there will be more undergraduate students from the Department of Civil Engineering who continued their studies at NUU Taiwan through the collaboration program that has been established between the Faculty of Engineering Undip and NUU Taiwan. “Hopefully there will be more undergraduate students who continue their study in Taiwan through this collaboration program,” he said.

The news generated from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip