(21/1)Department of Civil Engineering Universitas Diponegoro sent one of its lecturers to attend the Invitational Training Program for Flood Forecasting and Warning Systems in South Korea. This program was hosted by KOICA from January 8th to January 21st to share the expertise of Korea’s flood forecasting and operating system in terms of its cooperation and functionality when the flood occurred. For this event, KOICA invited the managers and employees of BBWS Citarum and related institutions (Universities, DF SDA, Ministry of Public Works & Housing, PJT II, BMKG, Dinas SDA, PT PJB UP Cirata, PT Indonesia Power, etc). On this occasion, university representatives invited were from the Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro (namely Mr. Priyo Nugroho P., ST M.Eng.) and Brawijaya University.

The program aimed to provide training opportunities for the participants to experience an advanced flood forecast and warning system and its efficient operation method while accessing the current system/equipment. They hope, it can be supporting the BBWS Citarum and related institutions to secure its flood control system operation.

The participants (from the Managerial and Working Level, Mr. Priyo Nugroho is also taking part) taking pictures with the committees (From KICT)

The program has been hosted by the KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) with its financial support. Training sessions consisted of theoretical lectures and practical training by experts from the KICT, Dongbu Engineering, ALLFORLAND, HRFCO (Han River Flood Control Office), and other related institutions. The implementation of the training program was held at the KICT building in Seoul. During this training, the participants also visited several projects related to flood forecasting in Busan City.

Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Prof. Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko, warmly welcomed the event mentioned before as a form of capacity building for the lecturers in the Department of Civil Engineering. He hopes, that event can improve the knowledge and the competencies of the lecturer who joined the event. He also hopes that the experiences and knowledge acquired from that event can be disseminated to the wider community and the academic community at Universitas Diponegoro.

Written by the Department of Civil Engineering Undip