(15/6) The Master Program of Civil Engineering organized a public guest lecture titled “Advanced Research in Water Engineering” at the Hall of the Department of Civil Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering Undip. In this public lecture, Prof. Wen Cheng Liu from NUU Taiwan was appointed as the main lecturer along with Dr. Dyah Ari Wulandari, S.T, M.T from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip. Meanwhile, Dr. Ir. Robert J. Kodoatie, M.Eng was chosen as the moderator.

This public lecture is a result of collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering Undip and the National United University Taiwan which has been started since 2022. Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharyanto, M.Sc as the head of the committee for this public lecture showed his gratitude towards the participants and NUU Taiwan for being able to present their research in front of the academics who were present at this public lecture. He hoped this public lecture will be beneficial for the students and the lecturers in the Department of Civil Engineering.

In this public lecture, there were two pieces of research presented. The first research was presented by Prod. Wen Cheng Liu from NUU Taiwan with the title “Image-based Recognition and Processing System for Monitoring Water Levels in an Irrigation and Drainage Channels”. On this occasion, he explained the utilization of technology in monitoring the water level in the irrigation channels for flood control, groundwater management, and maintenance of the ecological environment and habitat conservation.

The next research was presented by Dr. Dyah Ari Wulandari, S.T, M.T from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip. In her presentation titled “Reservoir Operation Policy to Minimize Sedimentation”, she explained the importance of controlling the regulation for reservoir operation in solving sedimentation problems.

This public guest lecture was held for two days, where on the first day the topic focused on the latest research in the field of water engineering, and on the second day the topic was on the development of science in the field of structural systems.  

The news generated from The Department of Civil Engineering Undip