(14/8) Civil Engineering Universitas Diponegoro in collaboration with the Institute for Structural Analysis Technische Universität Dresden, Germany held a public lecture with the theme “On-Going Research in the Institute for Structural Analysis, TU Dresden, Germany”. This public lecture is a continuation of the previous guest lecture, where in the previous lecture, the topic discussed was the opportunities to study and research in Germany. In this public lecture, Prof. Dr-Ing. habil. Michael Kaliske from TU Dresden was appointed as the main speaker. While Dr-Ing. Bobby Rio Indriyantho, S.T., M.T., a lecturer from Civil Engineering Undip, was chosen as the moderator. This public lecture was held in the E301 Room of the Department of Civil Engineering and was attended by several academics from the Department of Civil Engineering, such as Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M.Eng. and Dr. Ir. Purwanto, M.T., M.Eng, and several bachelor and master students of Civil Engineering Undip.

Technische Universität Dresden is one of the biggest modern multidisciplinary universities in Germany. This university is a part of the eleven institutions in Germany that achieved the predicate as the “University of Excellence” by the German Universities Excellence Initiative (Ziele der Exzellenzinitiative). One of the areas of excellence on this campus is engineering, especially in the field of civil engineering. In this field, the Institute for Structural Analysis led by Prof. Kaliske became one of the laboratories that is frequently used as a reference for scientists in the field of civil engineering, especially in the field of structural analysis.

In this public lecture, Prof. Kaliske, as a researcher who focused on the field of structural analysis, discussed the latest updates that have been researched by his structural analysis laboratory. He explained many related topics in structural analysis such as how pull and pressure from the outside or the inside of a structure can affect the structure itself. In addition, he also explained about what is the behavior of the linear and nonlinear concrete that actually has its own challenges and goals.

This public lecture is a part of the Visiting Professor program initiated by the Department of Civil Engineering Undip. In this program, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Kaliske was invited as the visiting professor. Besides this public lecture, several agendas included in the program are the MoA signing and BIMA Research discussion. Hopefully with this program, the academics of Civil Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering Undip could obtain new knowledge and relations with the quality foreign partners.

The news generated from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip

Reporter: Daniel Andhika Yudistya

Editor, Translator: M. Rusmul Khandiq