In order to organize, facilitate, and harmonize the implementation of academic and academic administration in Faculties, Schools, and the University, Universitas Diponegoro through the Rector’s Decree of Universitas Diponegoro No. 152/UN7.A/HK/IV/2023 officially regulates the Academic Calendar of Universitas Diponegoro for Academic Year of 2023/2024

The Academic Calendar for the Odd/Fall Semester of 2023/2024 is listed below


01 July – 10 AugustTuition fee payment period for senior students
02 July – 11 AugustRe-registration
03 July – 12 AugustAcademic registration (filling out the Study Plan Form/IRS/course selection period)
05 July – 18 AugustCommunity Service (KKN) period
10 July – 21 AugustThe Final Evaluation period for the Even/Spring Semester of 2022/2023 (Academic and Finance Division)
07 JulyDeadline for the 171st graduation application
21 JulyDeadline for study program change application
31 July – 04 AugustThe 171st Graduation Ceremony


10 AugustDeadline for academic leave application and re-activation
11 AugustWelcoming Ceremony for New Students
14 August – 15 AugustOrientation period
16 August, 18-19 AugustCharacter Education Course for New Students
21 AugustCommunity service (KKN) official closing ceremony
21 AugustCommencement date for Odd/Fall Semester of 2023/2024
21 August – 08 DecemberOdd/Fall Semester of 2023/2024


01 SeptemberDeadline for course switching
11 SeptemberDeadline for course cancellation


06 OctoberDeadline for the 172nd graduation application
09 October – 20 OctoberMidterm period
15 OctoberThe final celebration of the 66th Birthday of Universitas Diponegoro
20 OctoberBirthday of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro
30 October – 03 NovemberThe 172nd Graduation Ceremony
31 OctoberPD Dikti data input finalization for the Even/Spring Semester of 2022/2023


Odd/Fall Semester of 2023/2024


08 DecemberEnd of the Odd/Fall Semester of 2023/2024
11 December – 22 DecemberFinal Exam period
18 December – 31 DecemberJudicium period and Input the Final Exam results

The Academic Calendar of Universitas Diponegoro for the Academic Year 2023/2024 (in Bahasa Indonesia) can be downloaded here