(30/7) The Study Program of the Professional Program for Engineers (PSPPI) of the Faculty of Engineering Undip held the 11th Engineers Oath-taking ceremony for July 2024. The ceremony was held at Prof. Soedarto, SH Building, Undip Tembalang Campus, and was attended by 195 new engineers who graduated from PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip.

This period’s Engineers’ Oath-taking ceremony is becoming the latest achievement from PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip. This is because, for the first time, PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip successfully took oath its graduates from the 2-semester Full Regular program. Previously, PSPPI had held professional engineer classes in the form of the Recognition of Past Learning (Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau, RPL) program and the 1-semester Regular-Compacted program.

195 new engineers of PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip posed together at Prof. Soedarto, SH Building

“From these 195 engineers, Alhamdulillah (praise be to God) in this period we held the Regular class. Previously, there was the Regular-Compacted class, and now there is a Regular class that undergoes 2 semesters, although still in the small numbers. Hopefully, with the implementation of this Regular class, the vision of PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering can be achieved,” said the Head of the PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Dr. Widayat, S.T, M.T, IPM

In this July 2024 period, 146 engineers successfully earned the cum laude predicate. In addition, in this period the engineers also received the Professional Engineer Certificate (Sertifikat Insinyur Profesional, SIP) replacing the Graduation Certificate. This follows the Law No. 14 of 2014 on Engineering Affairs

The General Secretary of the Institution of Engineers of Indonesia (PII), ), Ir. Bambang Goeritno, M.Sc, MPA, IPU, APEC Engineer, appreciated the increase in the number of engineers who successfully graduated from PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip this time. He hopes that it can continue to grow in the future. “I need to congratulate you (PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering) because now there are 195 engineers who graduated from the program. I think this is a record breaker because it has never reached that number before. And the total number (of graduates from PSPPI of the Faculty of Engineering Undip) is 945. This means that there are quite a large amount of engineers who have graduated. I hope that the engineers here can become ambassadors in their workplaces to invite their friends to join the professional engineers program,” he said.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T, M.T, IPU, warmly greeted the new engineers in this period. He hopes that in the future the new engineers can reflect on the main purpose of the engineer title that they receive. “The most important thing is with that additional title, is there any difference? If there is none, why do you have to take that title? This must be answered,” Prof. Jamari remarked in his speech.