Prof. Dr. Istadi, ST., MT


Prof. Dr. Ir. Istadi, ST., MT

Nama Lengkap: Prof. Dr. Ir. Istadi, ST., MT
Jabatan Fungsional: Guru Besar
Pangkat/Golongan: Pembina IVA
Alamat Rumah: Jl. Payung Asri Barat IX, No. 46 Pudak Payung, Semarang.

RIwayat Pendidikan:
1. SD MI Mihammadiyah Bulu, Sukoharjo, 1984.
2. MTSn 1 Karanganyar 1987.
3. SMAN 1 Karanganyar 1990.
4. S1 Teknik Kimia Undip 1995.
5. S2 Teknik Kimia ITB 2000.
6. S3 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2006

1. Pengembangan Prototipe Reaktor Hibrida Katalitik-Plasma Transesterifikasi Biodiesel dengan untuk Proses Produksi Minyak Tumbuhan 2017.
2. Penghilangan Gas Buang dari Cerobong Boiler Berbahan Bakar Batubara dengan Pulsed Corona Discharge (Djarum Kudus) 2011.

Pengabdian Masyarakat:
1. Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Eceng Gondok untuk Proses Pembuatan Biogas di Desa Calombo Kec Tuntang Kab Semarang (sbg. Anggota).
2. Penyuluhan Penerapan Kompos Sampah Organik Untuk Tanaman Hortikultura Untuk Ibu-Ibu PKK Kecamatan Gayam Sari Kota Semarang (sbg. Anggota).
3. Pengolahan Sampah Rumah Tangga Menggunakan Metoda Teknologi Bersih Di Kelurahan Meteseh Semarang (sbg. Anggota)
4. Peningkatan Produksi Alkohol dari Tetes Tebu di Sentra Industri Alkohol 90% Dukuh Sentul Desa Bekonang Kecamatan Sukoharjo (sbg. Anggota.)
5. Perbaikan Proses Pengeringan Produk Berbasis Rumput Laut di Karimunjawa (sbg. Anggota)
6. Sosialisasi PIRT Pengolahan Produk Makanan Mojolaban Kabupaten dan Minuman berbasis Rumput Laut di desa kemojan Jepara (sbg. Anggota).
7. Pelatihan Teknologi Separasi bagi Pengembangan Bioenergi di Kecamatan Karanggawen, Kabupaten Demak (sbg. Anggota)
8. Penerapan Teknologi Membran untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih bagi Masyarakat Desa Kecamatan Sayung, Tugu, Kabupaten Demak (sbg. Anggota).
9. Pelatihan dan Aplikasi Teknologi Pengawetan Makanan dan Minuman Bagi Klaster Minyak Atsiri Kab. Batang (sbg. Anggota) 10. Pengelolaan Bahan Kimia Industri Batik di Kabupaten Pekalongan (sbg. Anggota).

Publikasi Ilmiah:
1. Buchori, L., Istadi, I. Purwanto, P. (2017). “Synthesis Of Biodiesel On A Hybrid Catalytic-Plasma Reactor Over K2O/CaO-ZnO Catalysť”. Scientific Study & Research. Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry. Vol. 18, No. 3, p. 303-318. (Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Tinggi; 2. Kategori: Q4; Scopus Indexed).
2. Buchori, L., I. Istadi, P. Purwanto. (2017). “Effects of Weight Hourly Space
3. Velocity and Catalyst Diameter on Performance of Hybrid Catalytic-Plasmo Reactor for Biodiesel Synthesis over Sulphated Zinc Oxide Acid Catalye Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis. Vol. 12, No. 2, p. 227- 234 (DOI: 10.9767/bcrec.12.2.775.227-234) (Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Tinggi; Kategori: Q4; Scopus Indexed; Penerbit: MKICS & Undip).
4. Khuriati, A., Setiabudi, W., Nur, M., Istadi, I., Suwoto, G., Bono, B. Energi recovery potential from combustible fraction of Semarang’s municipal solid waste. (2017). Advanced Science Letters, 23 (3), pp. 2424-2426.(Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Tinggi; Kategori: Q4; Scopus Indexed, Publisher: American Scientific Publishers).
5. Buchori, L., L Istadi, P. Purwanto. (2016). “Advanced chemical reactor technologies for biodiesel production from vegetable oils – A review”. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis. Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 406-430 (DOI: 10.9767/bcrec.11.3.490.406-430) (Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Tinggi; Kategori: Q4; Scopus Indexed; Penerbit: MKICS & Undip)
6. Buchori, L.,L Istadi, P. Purwanto, A. Kurniawan, T.I. Maulana. (2016). “Preliminary Testing of Hybrid Catalytic-Plasma Reactor for Biodiesel Production Using Modified-Carbon Catalyst”. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering 10.9767/bcrec.11.1.416.59-65) (Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Tinggi, Kategori: Q3; Scopus Indexed; Penerbit: MKICS& Undip)
7. Istadi, I., U. Mabruro, B.A. Kalimantini, D.D. Anggoro, L. Buchori. (2010)- “Reusability and Stability Tests of Calcium Oxide Based Catalyst (K2O/Cao- 4. 5. 6. & Catalysis. Vol. 11, No.1, p. 59-65 (DOI: 7. Zno) for Transesterification of Soybean Oil to Biodieseľ”. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis. Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 34-39 (DOI: 10.9767/bcrec.11.1.413.34-39) (Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Tings” Kategori: Q3; Scopus Indexed; Penerbit: MKICS& Undip)

1. Juara Harapan II, Dosen Berprestasi Tingkat Nasional” dari Dirjen Dikti RI Judul Karya: “Pengembangan Reaktor Katalitik Berteknologi Plasma Untuk Produksi Bahan Bakar Dari Gas Alam. 1 Sampah Biomassa dan Sampah Plastik” 2008.
2. Juara I, Dosen Berprestasi Tingkat Universitas” dari Universitas Diponegoro Judul Karya: “Patent Indonesia PO0201100950″ 2008.

Prof. Dr. Widayat, ST., MT


Prof .Dr. Widayat, ST., MT

Nama: Prof .Dr. Widayat, ST., MT
Golongan/Pangkat: IV A
Jabatan Akademik: Guru Besar

Riwayat Pendidikan:
1. S1 Teknik Kimia Undip 1996
2. S2. Teknik Kimia ITB 2002
3. S3 Teknik Kimia ITS 2011Penghargaan:


Dosen Berprestasi Tk III Fak Teknik Undip National Seminar on Research and Studies VIII: Teaching Grant Penyaji Artikel Terbaik pada Pemaparan Hasil Program Penerapan Ipteks kepada Masyarakat dan Industri Rumah Tangga Tahun 2008 Piagam Penghargaan Dosen Pembimbing PIMNAS XXI Prestasi akademik yang telah dicapai selama belajar di ITS dengan predikat Cumlaude Satya Lencana Nugraha 10 tahun Penerbitan Buku Referensi Pembimbing PIMNAS.

Publikasi Ilmiah:

Widayat, W., Darmawan, T., Rosyid, R.Ar., Hadiyanto, H., (2017), Biodiesel Production by Using CaO Catalyst and Ultrasonic Assisted, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 877(1) 012037 4. Widayat, W., Darmawan, T., Hadiyanto, H., Rosyid, R.Ar. (2017), Preparation of Heterogeneous Cao Catalysts for Biodiesel Production , Journal of Physics: Conference Series877(1) 012018 Widavat, W., Annisa, A.N., (2017), Synthesis and Characterization of ZSM-5 Catalyst at Different Temperatures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 214 (1) 012032 6 Widayat, Satriadi, H., Baharsyah, A., Supriyandi, (2017), Biodiesel production from jatropha curcas oil and palm oil by using undirect ultrasonic assisted, Proceeding Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application: Sustainable Energy for a Better Life, ICSEEA 2016 7873579 pp. 127-131 7. Widayat, Satriadi, H., Choirudin, F., Fitriana , A., Kiono, B.F.T., Syaiful (2017), Biodiesel production with continuous processing and direct Ultrasonic Assisted Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application: Sustainable Energy for a Better Life, ICSEEA 2016 7873579 pp. 122-126 8. Kusumaningrum, H.P., Purbajanti, E.D., Widayat, Kusdiyantini, E., (2017), Enhancement of patchouli oils quality using traditional destillation methods from batang Indonesia by plant improvement , Advanced Science Letters 23 (3) pp. 2450-2453 2016 International Conference on Proceeding – 2016.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M.Eng


Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M. Eng.

Nama Lengkap: Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M. Eng.
Jabatan Akademik: Profesor/Guru Besar Departemen Teknik Sipil (TMT 1 April 2017) :
Pangkat/Golongan: Pembina Utama Muda / IV D
Unt Kerja: Departemen Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro
Alamat Kantor: JI. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Telp: 024–7474770
Website Pribadi:

Riwayat Pendidikan:
1. SD St. Fransiscus, Rijswijk-Nederland 1965.
2. Sekolah Cor Yesu Semarang 1969.
3. SMP Maria Mediatrix- Semarang 1972.
4. SMA Loyola II Sedes Sapientiae, Semarang 1975.
5. S1 Teknik Sipil Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang 1982
6. S2 Manitoba University, Winnipeg-Canada
7. S3 Universitas Diponegoro, Joint research dengan The National University of Singapore (NUS) dan North Carolina State University (NCSU), USA 2013.
8. Post Doctor, TU Delft The Netherlands 2014.

Profile Akademik dan Website



Organization Function Since
American Concrete Institute ACI Member 1990
Indonesia Construction Association (HAKI) Member and Board 2006
fib-CEB International Commission 7 Sustainable Concrete, Member 2015
fib-Indonesia Chair 2017
Indonesian standardfor Concrete and FRP Member 2018
Indonesian Code on Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting Advisory Board 2021

Research Interest

  • Retrofitting and external reinforcing
  • Modeling and Finite Element Analyses

Scientific Committees/Reviewer/Editor

ACI Structural and Materials Journals (
AITI-Advances in Technology Innovation (
CHROME Journal (
IJETI Journal (
Malaysian Construction Research Journal (
MKTS journal (
Structures (
UTM JurnalTeknologi (

External Examiner/Advisor

Institution/University Function
Ph.D. Program, Department of Civil Engineering,National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Co-Advisor
Master Program, Department of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering, National United University, Taiwan Co-Advisor
Degree of Master of Science, Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Examiner
PhDTU Delft Graduate School, The Netherlands Examiner
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Curtin University, Australia Examiner


  1. Satyalancana Karya Satya X Tahun 2003 Tgl. 20 Sept 2003 SK Presiden RI No. 004/TK/Tahun 2009
  2. Satyalancana Karya Satya XX Tahun 2009 Tgl. 20 April 2009
  3. Penghargaan Pengabdian 25 Tahun SK Rektor UNDIP kepada Universitas Diponegoro 2010 No. 2318/H7.P/KP/2010


  1. Purwanto; Januarti Jaya Ekaputri; Nuroji; Bobby Rio Indriyantho; Aylie Han; Buntara Sthenly Gan, 2022, “Shear-bond behavior of self-compacting geopolymer concrete to conventional concrete”. Construction and Building Materials, 321 (126167), pp. 1-10, 2022.
  2. Purwanto; Aylie Han;Januarti Jaya Ekaputri; Nuroji; Blinka H. Prasetya, 2021, “Self-Compacting-Geopolymer-Concrete (SCGC) Retrofitted Haunch”, International Journal on Engineering Applications (I.R.E.A.), Vol. 9, N. 4, pp 180-189
  3. Haryanto, Y., Hu, H.T., Han, A. L., Hsiao, F.P., Teng, C.J., Hidayat, B. A.,Wariyatno, N.G., 2021, “Negative moment region flexural strengthening system of RC T-beams with half-embedded NSM FRP rods: a parametric analytical approach”,Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 44(6), Pp. 553-561.
  4. Wariyatno, N.G., Han A. L., Hsiao, F. P.,Gan, B. S., 2021, “Design Philosophy for Buildings’ Comfort-Level Performance”, Advances in Technology Innovation, Vol. 6(3), Pp. 157-168.
  5. Hidayat, B. A., Hu, H. T., Hsiao, F. P., Han A. L., Sosa, L., Chan, L. Y., Haryanto, Y., 2021, “Seismic behavior and failure modes of non-ductile three-story reinforced concrete structure: A numerical investigation”, Computers and Concrete, Vol. 27(5), Pp. 457-472
  6. Haryanto, Y., Hu, H.-T., Han, A. L., Hsiao, F.-P., Teng, C.-J., Hidayat, B. A., Nugroho, L., 2021, “Nonlinear 3D Model of Double Shear Lap Tests for the Bond of Near-surface Mounted FRP Rods in Concrete Considering Different Embedment Depth”,Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, Pp. 1-12.
  7. Haryanto, Y.,Han, A. L.,Hu, H.-T., Hsiao, F.-P., Hidayat, B. A&Widyaningrum, A., 2021, “Enhancement of flexural performance of RC beams with steel wire rope by external strengthening technique”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 44(3), Pp. 93-203.
  8. Haryanto, Y., Wariyatno, N.G., Hu, H. T.,Han A. LHidayat, B. A., 2021, “Investigation on Structural Behaviour of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Slabs under Concentrated Load”, Journal of Sains Malaysiana (SCI), Vol. 50(1), Pp. 227-238.
  9. Maryoto, A., Han. A. L., Jonkers, H. M., 2021, “Flexural Strength of Concrete-Galvalume Composite Beam Under Elevated Temperatures”, Computers and Concrete, Vol. 27(1), Pp. 13-20.
  10. Haryanto, Y., Hu, H. T.,Han A. L, Hsiao, F. -P., Wariyatno, N.G., Hidayat, B. A., 2021,“Numerical parametric study on the flexural capacity of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with non-metallic materials”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 16(4), Pp. 3295 – 3311.
  11. Haryanto, Y., Hu, H. -T., Han. A. L., Hsiao, F. P., Teng, C. J., Hidayat, B. A., Nugroho, L., 2021, “Numerical investigation on RC T-beams strengthened in the negative moment region using NSM FRP rods at various depth of embedment”, Computers and Concrete, Vol. 28(4), Pp. 347-360.
  12. Triwiyono, A., Han, A. L., Aryanto, A., Tudjono, S., Gan, B. S., 2020, “Effect of Specimen Gauge Reduction on Uniaxial Tension Properties of Reinforcing Steel”, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, Vol. 27(8), Pp. 964-971.
  13. Hidayat, B. A., Hu, H. T., Hsiao, F. P., Han A. L., Pita, P., & Haryanto, Y., 2020, “Seismic Performance of Non-Ductile Detailing RC Frames: An Experimental Investigation”, Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 19(6), Pp. 485-498
  14. Anggoro, P. W., Anthony, A.A., Tauviqirrahman, M., Jamari., Bayuseno, A. P., Han, A. L., 2020, “Machining Parameter Optimization of EVA Foam Orthotic Shoe Insoles”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10(3), Pp. 179-190.
  15. Nuroji., Hung, C.C., Prasetya, B. H., Han, A. L., 2020, “The Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Members with Section Enlargement Using Self-Compacting Concrete”, International Review of Civil Engineering, Vol. 11(3), Pp. 121-126.
  16. Haryanto, Y., Hu, H.-T.,Lie, H. A., Atmajayanti, A. T., Galuh, D. L. C., Hidayat, B. A., 2019, “Finite element analysis of T-section RC beams strengthened by wire rope in the negative moment region with an addition of steel rebar at the compression block”, JurnalTeknologi, Vol. 81(4), Pp. 143-154.

Scopus Indexed Proceedings

  1. Wariyatno, N.G., Haryanto, Y., Han, A.L., Gan, B.S., Sudibyo, G.H., 2020, “Load-carrying capacity and failure mode of composite steel-concrete truss element under monotonic loading”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 982(1), Pp. 1-6.
  2. Qomaruddin, M., Han A. L., Hidayat, A., Sudarno., Kustirini, A., 2019, “Compressive Strength Analysis on Geopolymer Paving by Using Waste Substitution of Carbide Waste and Fly Ash”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1424, Pp. 1-6.
  3. Han, A. L., Setiawan, H., Hajek, P., 2019, “Laboratory Concrete Specimens Waste, a Case Study on Life Cycle Assessment”, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 290(1), Pp.1-7.

Accredited Journal

  1. Utomo,J.,Khusyeni, M. N., Partono, W., Han, A. L., Gan, B. S., 2021,“Experimental Investigation on the Failure Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Strengthened Reinforced Concrete T-beams”, Civil Engineering Dimension, Vol. 23(2), Pp. 115-122.
  2. Utomo, J., Rabbani, N., Tudjono, S., Han, A. L., Sukamta., 2021, “The Influence of External CFRP String Reinforcement on The Behavior of Flexural RC Elements”, Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology,Vol. 6(3), Pp. 141-146. DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2021.6.3.5685
  3. Nuroji., Asshidiqie, M. R., Sukamta., Han, A. L., 2021, “Pengembangan Alat Simulasi Model Numeris Elemen Beton Bertulang dengan Respon Geser dan Lentur Tinggi”, Teknik,Vol. 42(2), Pp. 106–116.
  4. Lie, H. A.,Utomo, J., Hu, H.-T., & Lestari, L. T., 2021, “Seismic Retrofitting of Irregular Pre-80s Low-rise Conventional RC Building Structures”, Civil Engineering Dimension, Vol. 23(1), Pp. 9-19.
  5. Adi, R. Y. Rizqi, S. Y., Subagyo, S. A. P., &Han A. L.,2021., “PengaruhSubstitusi Semen dengan Semen Slag pada Mortar terhadapKebutuhan Air dan Waktu Ikat, dan PeningkatanKuatTekan Mortar pada Umur 14 hari dan 28 Hari,” Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Vol. 26(2), Pp. 204-211.
  6. Setiadji, B. H., Dewabrata, H., Ay Lie, H., &Subagyo, S. A. P., 2020, “StudiPenggunaan Semen Slag sebagaiSubstitusi Semen Portland pada Beton”. Siklus : Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Vol. 6(2), Pp. 117 – 128.
  7. Setiawan, H., Raharjo, F., &Han, A.L., 2020, “An Innovation Value Chain in Project Based Companies: A Study of Indonesian Contractors”, Civil Engineering Dimension, Vol. 22(2), Pp.101-108.
  8. Eratodi, I. G. L. B., Awaludin, A., Han, A. L., Triwiyono, A., 2020, “Kajian dan EvaluasiStruktur Slab Prestressed Precast Modular Concrete”,Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Vol. 26(1), Pp. 44-51.
  9. Haryanto, Y., Hu, H.T., Han, A. L.,Hidayat, B. A., Widyaningrum, A., Yulianita, P.E., 2020, “Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Using Rapid Visual Screening: Case Study of Educational Facility Buildings of JenderalSoedirman University, Indonesia”, Civil Engineering Dimension, Vol. 22(1), Pp. 13-21.


  1. Wariyatno, N. G., Gan, B. S., Partono, W.,  Han, A. L.,Universitas Diponegoro, September 2020, “Metoda Kuantitatif Evaluasi Terhadap Level Intensitas Guncangan Bangunan Pada Tiap Lantai Akibat Gempa”, Paten Sederhana, S00202006543.
  2. Qomaruddin, M., Widayat., Setiadji, B. H., Han, A. L., Universitas Diponegoro, Agustus2020, “Metode Pembuatan Mortar Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Dengan Perlakuan Awal Proses Pirolisis”, Paten Sederhana, S00202005901.
  3. Purwanto., Han, A. L.,Ekaputri, J. J., Nuroji., Universitas Diponegoro, Juli2020, “Metoda Strengthening dengan Haunch Self Compacting Geopolymer Concrete (SCGC) Pada Hubungan Balok Kolom (HBK) Beton Bertulang Dalam Sistem Rangka”, Paten Sederhana, S00202004905.

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Djaeni, ST., M.Eng


Prof. Dr. Mohamad Djaeni, ST, M.Eng

Nama: Prof. Dr. Mohamad Djaeni, ST, M.Eng
Pangkat/Golongan: Pembina/IVa
Jabatan Fungsional: Guru Besar
Unit Kerja: DepartemenTeknik Kimia Teknik Universitas Diponegoro
Jabatan Struktural: Ketua Program Studi S2 Teknik Kimia
Alamat Kantor: Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro JI Prof. H. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang, 50275; Telp. 024 7460058.

Riwayat Pendidikan:
1. SD Negeri Kebulusan 1, Kebumen 1984.
2. SMP Negeri 1 Pejagoan, Kebumen 1987.
3. SMA Negeri 1 Kebumen 1990.
4. Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro 1995.
5. S2 Process Control Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2000.
6. S3 System & Control Group, Wageningen University, Belanda. 2008.

Publikasi di Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional:
1. Djaeni, M.; Bartels, P.; Sanders, J.; van Straten, G.; van Boxtel, A.J.B. (2007). Process integration for food drying with air dehumidified by zeolites. Drying Technology 25(1); 225 – 239.
2. Djaeni, M.; Bartels, P.; Sanders, J.; Straten, G. van; Boxtel, A.J.B. van. (2007). Multistage Zeolite Drying for Energy-Efficient Drying. Drying Technology 25 (6); 1063 – 1077.
3. Djaeni, M.; Bartels P.V.; Sanders J.P.M.; van Straten, G.; van Boxtel, A.J.B. (2008). Computational fluid dynamic for multistage adsorption dryer design. Drying Technology 26 (4); 487 – 502.
4. Djaeni, M.; Bartels P.V.; Sanders J.P.M.; van Straten, G.; van Boxtel, A.J.B. (2009). Energy efficiency of multistage adsorption drying for low temperature drying. Drying Technology 27(4); 555 – 564.

1. Application of foam mat drying LPPM UNDIP using egg-white for carrageenan LPPM Undip 2012
2. Rancang pengeringan padi dengan zeolite 2013.
3. Peningkatan mutu rumput laut MP3EI DP2M Karimunjawa untuk bahan makanan dan minuman khas lokal 2014
4. Rancang bangun sistem pengerigan bawang merah dengan media udara yang didehumidifikasi zeolite 2015

1. Finalis Innovasi Bisnis Pemuda Kemendiknas- Nasional Tingkat Nasional WIPO 2008.
2. Best Oral Presentation Indonesia PPI Belanda Nasional Student Scientific Meeting 2009.
3. Juara Dosen Teladan Universitas Local Universitas Diponegoro Diponegoro 2009.
4. Finalis Dosen Teladan Nasional Kemendiknas Nasional.

Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Imam Buchori, ST


Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Imam Buchori, ST

Nama: Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Imam Buchori, ST
SCOPUS’ Author ID: 54986165700
Pangkat/Golongan: : Pembina/IVA
Jabatan akademis: Guru Besar
Unit Kerja: Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

Riwayat Pendidikan
1. SD Negeri Jampiroso IV Temanggung 1982.
2. SMP Negeri II Temanggung 1985.
3. SMA Negeri I Yogyakarta 1988.
4. Sarjana Teknik (ST) bidang Teknik Planologi, ITB 1993.
5. Doktor (Dr.rer.nat.) bidang Geomatics for Spatial Planning, Universitas Vechta, Jerman 2005.

Publikasi di Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional:
1. Agung Sugiri, Imam Buchori and Samsul Ma’rif. (accepted to be published in vol. 12 year 2014) “Toward Participatory Spatial Policy: Facilitating Rural Non-Farm Activities in Susukan Suburb of Semarang Metropolitan Region”. The International Journal of Civic, Political, and Community Studies, ISSN: 2327-0047 (print), 2327-2155 (online), indexed by SCOPUS.
2. . Imam Buchori and Kartika Tanjung. (2014) “Developing a Simulation Model for Predicting Innundated Areas Affected by Land Use Change: A Case Study of Keduang Sub-watershed”. Environmental 108, ISSN: 2325-1077 (print), 2325-1085 (online), indexed by SCOPUS.
3. Asep Yudi Permana, Sugiono Soetomo, Gagoek Hardiman, and Imam Buchori. (2013) “Smart Architecture as a Concept of Sustainable Development in the Improvement of the Slum Settlement area in Bandung”. Internationa! Referred Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES), 2(9), pp. 26-35, ISSN (online) 2319-183X, (print) 2319-1821.
4. Agung Sugiri, Imam Buchori and Sugiono Soetomo. (2011) “Sustainable Metropolitan Development: Towards an Operational Model for Semarang Metropolitan Region”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 7 (5), pp. 301-324 , ISSN. 1832-2077, indexed by SCOPUS.

Publikasi di Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Terakreditasi
1.  Imam Buchori, Yuwono Ario Nugroho, Joko Susilo, Dian Prasetyaning, dan Kesesuaian Lahan Berbasis Kerawanan Bencana Alam, Uji Coba: Kota Semarang”. Jurnal Tata Loka, 15 (4), pp. 288- 299, ISSN. 0852-7458 (terakreditasi nasional SK DIKTI no. 64a/DIKTI/Kep/2010).
2. Imam Buchori dan Joko Susilo. (2012) “Model Keruangan untuk Identifikasi Kawasan Rawan Longsor; Uji Coba: Kota Semarang”. Jurnal Tata Loka, 14 (4), pp. 282-294, ISSN. 0852-7458 (terakreditasi nasional SK DIKTI no, 64a/DIKTI/Kep/2010).
3. Imam Buchori. (2011) “Konsep Sistem Informasi Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah untuk Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia”. Jurnal Tata Loka, 13 (4), pp. 224-234, ISSN. 0852-7458 (terakreditasi 64a/DIKTI/Kep/2010).
4. Imam Buchori. (2007) “Standarisasi Data Perencanaan Wilayah pada Era Desentralisasi”. Jurnal Pondasi, 13 (2), pp. 179-190, ISSN 0853-814 (terakreditasi nasional SK DIKTI no. 56/Dikti/Kep/2005).

1. 2014: Developing an Assessment System For Sustainable Metropolitan Development: The Case of Semarang Metropolitan; Ketua Tim; dibiayai Hibah Penelitian Kerjasama LN dan Publikasi Internasional-DP2M-DIKTI.
2. 2013: Menuju Kebijakan Tata Ruang Partisipatif: Memfasilitasi Kegiatan Non-farm Pedesaan di Wilayah Metropolitan Semarang (Kasus Kecamatan Susukan, Wonosalam dan Sukorejo); Anggota Tim; dibiayai Hibah Penelitian Hibah Bersaing BOPTN 2013-DP2M DIKTI.
3. 2013: Developing Sustainability Assessment Framework for Metropolitan Development: A GIS Based Analysis on Semarang; Ketua Tim; dibiayai Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Kerjasama dan Publikasi Internasional Fakultas Teknik UNDIP.
4. 2012 Model Pengembangan Metropolitan Berkelanjutan: Sebuah Uji Empiris di Kawasan Metropolitan Kota Semarang; Ketua Tim; dibiayai Hibah Penelitian FT UNDIP.
5. 2012: Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Untuk Mitigasi Bencana Di Wilayah Pesisir; Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Kulonprogo; Ketua Tim; dibiayai Hibah Penelitian BOPTN UNDIP 2012.

Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat:
1. 2013: Penyusunan Profil Kelurahan Kembangarum. Kecamatan Semarang Barat, Kota Semarang, Anggota Tim, a. SK Dekan No. 484/SK/UN7.3.3/V/2013.
2. 2013: Penyusunan Modul dan Pelatihan Manajemen Dini Banjir: SK dan Peringatan Pemulihan Rektor Bencana Anggota Tim, Pascabencana, 852/SK/UN7.3.3/VIII/2013. No. 2013: Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Partisipatif.
3. 2012: Sosialisasi Pemahaman Aturan Pemanfaatan Ruang Melalui Instrumen Peta Digital di Kecamatan Tembalang, Anggota Tim, SK Dekan No 620/SK/UN7.3.3/VIII/2012.
4. 2011: Pendampingan Pengembangan Profil Kelurahan Srondol Wetan Kecamatan Banyumanik Kota Semarang, SK Dekan No. 178/SK/H7.3.3/II/2011.
5. 2011: Pelatihan Kebijakan dan Strategi Pembangunan Prasarana Tahun 2011, Anggota Tim, SK Direktur Pascasarjana No 419.A/SK/UN7.3.3/VI/2011.

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