(3/9) The Faculty of Engineering Undip had the opportunity to hold a precious guest lecture with an honorable professor from Osaka University, Prof. Keisuke Morishima. This guest lecture was convened at the Theater Room, Prof. Ir. Eko Budihardjo, M.Sc 4th Floor.

Prof. Keisuke Morishime himself is a professor in the field of nanotechnology from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University. Osaka University itself is one of the world’s leading campus which is currently ranked on 86th according to QS World University Ranking 2024. This guest lecture was initiated by one of the academics from the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Mochammad Ariyanto, S.T, M.T, Ph.D, who had just completed his doctoral studies at Osaka University.

Prof. Keisuke Morishima was giving a guest lecture in front of students from Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Undip. Mochammad Ariyanto, S.T, M.T, Ph.D was appointed as the moderator in this guest lecture.

On this occasion, Prof. Morishima gave a guest lecture with the theme “Bio-inspired and Bio-hybrid Robotics” in front of students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering Undip. This associate researcher from Stanford University was explained about his current research in developing biomedical cybernetics to support human life.

Besides the guest lecture, during his visit to the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Morishima also discussed with the stakeholders of the Faculty of Engineering about potential academic collaborations between Osaka University and Universitas Diponegoro. Furthermore, it is planned that Mochammad Ariyanto will be invited as a visiting researcher in Prof. Morishima’s laboratory at Osaka University.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T, M.T, IPU, appreciated this guest lecture. He hoped Prof. Morishima could continue collaborating with the Faculty of Engineering Undip. “Our faculty feel thankful towards Prof. Morishima. We hope that this opportunity will not be the first and the last for you. Hopefully, there will be another time for you to come again here,” Prof. Jamari hoped.