(14/8) The Department of Civil Engineering Universitas Diponegoro in collaboration with the Institute for Structural Analysis, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, held a guest lecture with the theme “Guest Lecture: Study and Research in Germany”. In this guest lecture, Prof. Dr-Ing. habil. Michael Kaliske from Technische Universität Dresden became the main speaker. Dr-Ing. Bobby Rio Indriyantho, S.T., M.T., a lecturer from Civil Engineering Undip, was appointed as the moderator. This guest lecture was attended by the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Prof. Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko, S.T., M.M., M.Sc., Ph.D., the Head of the Master Program of Civil Engineering, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharyanto, M.Sc, students, and lecturers who are interested in topics regarding study and research in Germany. This guest lecture was held at the Hall A101 of the Department of Civil Engineering.

Technische Universität Dresden itself is one of the most prestigious campuses in Germany and Europe. This can be seen from its ranking in the list of the top 20 well-known universities in Germany. This campus has a variety of highly-respected study programs in various fields including engineering, science, social, arts, and humanities. Modern facilities are provided including laboratories, libraries, a sport center, and other support facilities. As one of the prestigious campuses, Technische Universität Dresden became one of the most popular campuses for students, thus this guest lecture was held to facilitate that demand.

In this guest lecture, Prof. Kaliske explained several things, ranging from what it looks like to study at Technische Universität Dresden campus in Germany, the application flow, to the requirements needed to fulfill before studying in Germany, such as how to enter TU Dresden, the application requirements, fees, opportunities, and how to apply for the educational programs like Dipl.-Ing., master, and Ph.D. program. In addition, he also gave an explanation of the research that is currently being conducted in Germany.

This guest lecture is part of the Visiting Professor program initiated by the Department of Civil Engineering. In this program, Prof. Kaliske as the visiting professor will conduct several activities, one of which is this guest lecture. Besides the guest lecture, there are other agendas such as MoA signing between the Faculty of Engineering Undip and the Institute for Structural Analysis, TU Dresden, visitation to the Structural Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering, and BIMA Research discussion.

The news generated from the Department of Civil Engineering Undip

Reporter : Daniel Andhika Yudistya

Editor, Translator: M. Rusmul Khandiq