Following up the Circular Letter of Ministry of Education and Culture No.35492/A.A.5/HK/2020 and Circular Letter of Rector No.20/UN.7.P/SE/2020 Regarding the Prevention of Covid-19 in Education Environment, the Leaders of Diponegoro University as of March 16, 2020 decided that lecturing, mentoring and assistances activities were conducted by online.

Upon those decisions, students are prohibited for coming to campus except for emergency matters which cannot be done digitally. Meanwhile, the graduation ceremony in the first semester of 2020 was also postponed until the problem of the Covid-19 outbreak was resolved. However, diplomas certificate, grading transcript and cum-laude certificates could be taken by students according to a predetermined time.

Moreover, the University also stopped all internationalization activities. Postponement activities also for the reception of foreign guest, students, overseas business trips for all Undip academics and all forms of the events that have potential to collect a people. (Mardian)