Summer Course “Sustainability and Resilience In The Spatial Development”

The summer course on “Sustainability and Resilience in Spatial Development” is designed to enhance the competency of students enrolled in the Regional and Urban Planning Study Program at Diponegoro University (UNDIP). This intensive program aims to equip students with the necessary skills to analyze real-world issues in urban development and formulate pragmatic solutions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11) objectives: creating sustainable cities and communities.

In response to the growing importance of sustainability and resilience in urban and regional development, the Faculty of Engineering at Diponegoro University will host a summer course titled “Sustainability and Resilience in Spatial Development.” This program aims to enhance the competencies of students in the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program by equipping them with the necessary skills to analyze real-world problems in urban development and formulate concepts that align with field realities. The overarching goal is to support the objectives of Sustainable Development Goal 11, focusing on creating sustainable cities and communities.

About Course :

The Bachelor of Regional and Urban Planning (PWK) Study Program at Diponegoro University (Undip) is part of the Bachelor Degree Program with a mission in line with Undip’s vision and mission. The main goal is to produce graduates who excel and compete well in dealing with regional and city development problems in the future. This achievement is in line with Diponegoro University’s vision to become a superior research university.

The efforts taken to achieve this goal are to provide opportunities for students to be directly involved in understanding and solving real problems in the field. The Bachelor of Regional and Urban Planning Program at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) seeks to create opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and develop thinking skills through collaboration, such as the Summer Course program, with educational institutions at both national and international levels, as well as relevant local governments. This step is in line with Diponegoro University’s educational goals to produce graduates who have competence at both national and international levels, and are able to contribute to the development of science and technology.

The Summer Course is an event that conducted by Departement of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University in colaboration with Departement of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Hawai’i The theme of the Summer Course 2024 is Sustainability and Resilience in the Spatial Development. The case study areas are located in Semarang City Indonesia.

This program aims to:

  1. To improve the competency of students enrolled in the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program at Diponegoro University in understanding and applying principles of sustainability and resilience in spatial development.
  2. To enable students to analyze real-world challenges in urban development and formulate practical solutions that prioritize sustainability and resilience.
  3. To ensure that students can align their proposed solutions with the objectives outlined in Sustainable Development Goal 11, focusing on sustainable cities and communities.
  4. To develop students’ critical thinking skills in evaluating urban development projects from a sustainability and resilience perspective, considering factors such as environmental impact, social equity, and economic viability.
  5. To provide students with opportunities for practical learning through field visits, case studies, and workshops, allowing them to observe real-world urban development projects and engage in hands-on exercises.

The Summer Course Program will be held through offline and online using zoom meeting application. These activities will be held at July 15th-26th 2024.

Program participant of Summer Course Program include of participants in this program consist of undergraduate and master’s students from the Diponegoro University Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, as well as students from the University of Hawaii Manoa who attended in person and online

Course Topic : (TBA)

How To Register :

Participants can access and complete registration at the following link :

Schedule & Timeline :

Summer Course : July ,15th-26th 2024

Email  :