(25/2) Semarang – Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Thursday morning held an online Faculty Work Meeting (RKF) for the first time in this semester, through the Ms-Teams application.
RKF was opened and led by the Dean of Engineering Faculty Prof. Ir. Moch. Agung Wibowo, Ph.D and it was also attended by the Deputy Dean for Academics and Student Affairs, Dr. nat. tech. Siswo Sumardiono, MT, Vice Dean for Resources Dr. Abdul Syakur, ST., MT, Head of Administration Ari Eko Wiyantoro M.Si, Faculty of Engineering Quality Assurance Team, and Head of Engineering Faculty Department.
Dean opened the meeting by saying bismillahirahmanirrahim and thank you for everone who attended in the meeting. Dean expressed his gratitude at the beginning of the meeting because in this difficult situation during the pandemic, academic community in Engineering Faculty still showed a strong commitment in carrying out its performance.
The Dean also conveyed the Vision of the Faculty of Engineering this year to “Become an Excellent Faculty at the International Level, Based on Research by 2024”.
Excellence at the International Level means that the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Diponegoro has competitiveness at the international level and become a part of the International Network. Meanwhile, research-based is an advantage at the international level based on research with criteria that describe research-based faculties (PUI, laboratories, collaboration with industry, qualified human resources), and international standard services.
thereafter, presentation by Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Dr. nat. tech. Siswo Sumardiono, MT regarding the performance achievements in 2020 and targets to be achieved in 2021. According to him, seeing the current pandemic conditions the Faculty has been able to adapt well, one of the indicators is the IKU FT Strategic Plan 2020 report card which reached 86%.
Furthermore, next presentation by the Vice Dean for Resources, Dr. Abdul Syakur, ST., MT. Linier to good achievements of the IKU Renstra by the faculty, FT budget absorption in 2020 is also quite good with a percentage reached 90.3% of the budget of 37,695 M. While in 2021, FT experienced a budget increased and will manage a budget of 51 billion according to listed in the RSA. Of course, this budget increase requires hard work, cardas work and good teamwork, so that it can be utilized properly for the development of FT.
Finally, meeting continued by presentation of Head Department regarding the evaluation of online learning which consists of 12 Departments, namely, the Department of Architecture, the Department of Regional and Urban Planning, the Department of Geology, the Department of Geodesy, the Department of Computer Engineering, the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Department of Naval Architecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Departement of Civil Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, and Department of Environmental Engineering.
At the end, Dean of FT advised all participants to maintain enthusiasm, continue to be grateful for having been given the pleasure of working in the world of education, and continue to innovate. Meeting was closed with the jargon of the Faculty of Engineering. Teknik Jaya! (Mardian)