Vision, Mission, and Aims


Headed for excelled Faculty at International Level Research Based in 2020


  1. Performing excellent education in science and technology, thus produce competitive graduates.
  2. Committing professional research, producing publication and the ownership of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) as an effort to develop science, engineering and technology.
  3. Conducting service and action with high standard in solving community’s problems and needs for appropriate technology development
  4. Conducting periodic evaluation to improve quality, responsibility and faculty position
  5. Increasing the effectiveness of the Higher Education bureaucracy more efficient, accountable, transparent and equitable


  1. Producing the competence and high professionalism graduates in the field of science, engineering, and technology
  2. Producing the patents and scientific papers published in reputed national and international journals
  3. Applying the result of research to improve people’s lives and develop the entrepreneurial spirit